Dictionary English German: small dimensioned

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tech. small-dimensioned {adj}klein dimensioniert
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dimensioned {adj} {past-p}dimensioniert
large-dimensioned {adj}großdimensioniert
dimensioned drawingMaßbild {n}
engin. dimensioned drawingMaßzeichnung {f}
tech. large-dimensioned {adj}groß dimensioniert
sufficiently dimensioned {adj}ausreichend dimensioniert
tech. dimensioned {adj} {past-p} [e.g. hole]vermaßt [z. B. Bohrung]
dimensioned for sth. {adj} [postpos.]für etw.Akk. ausgelegt [größenmäßig]
dimensioned for sth. {adj} [postpos.]ausgelegt für etw.Akk. [nachgestellt] [größenmäßig]
tech. non-dimensioned {adj} [e.g. hole]nicht vermaßt [z. B. Bohrung]
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
med. small-fiber pathology [Am.]Small-fiber-Pathologie {f}
med. small-fibre pathology [Br.]Small-fibre-Pathologie {f}
MedTech. small part sonographySmall-Part-Sonographie {f}
film F Small Soldiers [Joe Dante]Small Soldiers
sports small forwardSmall Forward {m} [Basketball]
Thiele/Small parameter <TSP> [loudspeaker]Thiele-Small-Parameter {m} <TSP> [Lautsprecher]
comp. econ. Small Form Factor Special Interest Group <SFF-SIG>Small Form Factor Special Interest Group {f} <SFF-SIG> [Interessengruppe für kleine Formfaktoren (wörtl. übersetzt)]
med. small volume resuscitation <SVR>Small Volume Resuscitation / Small-volume-Resuscitation {f} <SVR>
small {adj}gering
small {adj}geringfügig
small {adj}klein
small {adj}kleinwüchsig
small {adj}niedrig
small talkSmall Talk {m}
small {adj} [insignificant]unbedeutend
small-boned {adj}zierlich
tech. small-bore {adj}kleinkalibrig
small-breasted {adj}kleinbrüstig
biol. small-celled {adj}kleinzellig
agr. bot. small-fruited {adj}kleinfruchtig
bot. small-leaved {adj}kleinblättrig
small-minded {adj}engherzig
small-minded {adj}engstirnig
small-minded {adj}kleingeistig
small-printed {adj}kleingedruckt
spec. small-scale {adj}kleinskalig
small-sized {adj}klein
small-sized {adj}Klein-
small-sized {adj}kleinformatig
(small) apartmentKleinwohnung {f}
(small) bagTütchen {n}
bot. (small) beanBöhnchen {n}
tech. (small) blockKlötzchen {n}
(small) bubbleBläschen {n}
(small) claspHäkchen {n}
(small) clothLäppchen {n}
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