Dictionary English German: small bore

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tech. small-bore {adj}kleinkalibrig
small-bore {adj}schmalbrüstig [fig.]
small-bore {adj} [trivial]banal
weapons small bore rifleKleinkalibergewehr {n}
optics tech. small-bore measuring microscopeKleinbohrungsmessmikroskop {n}
tech. of small bore {adj} [postpos.]kleinkalibrig [Bohrung]
MedTech. small bore prosthesisKleinkaliberprothese {f} [alloplastische Gefäßprothese]
Partial Matches
MedTech. wide-bore {adj} [attr.] [MRI / CT technology; scanner]Wide-Bore- [MR, CT]
hydro. (tidal) boreBore {f}
psych. bore-out syndromeBore-out-Syndrom {n}
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
mining to boreabteufen
to borelangweilen
tech. boreBohrloch {n}
tech. boreBohröffnung {f}
tech. boreBohrung {f}
tech. boreBohrweite {f}
weapons boreKaliber {n}
tech. boreRohrweite {f}
to boreennuyieren [veraltet]
borelangweilige Person {f}
borelangweilige Sache {f}
borelangweiliger Mensch {m}
mus. boreMensur {f} [Blasinstrument]
boreunausstehliche Person {f}
tech. bore [diameter]Bohrdurchmesser {m}
tech. to finish-boreausspindeln
(tidal) boreGezeitenwelle {f}
weapons barrel boreLaufseele {f}
bore brushLaufreinigungsbürste {f}
bore diameterBohrdurchmesser {m}
bore diameterBohrungsdurchmesser {m}
bore dustBohrstaub {m}
biol. for. bore dustStaubmehl {n}
mil. weapons bore evacuatorRauchabsauger {m}
bore gaugeInnenmessgerät {n}
tech. bore gaugeSubito™ {n}
engin. bore headBrunnenkopf {m}
bore holderBohrhalter {m}
bore rangeBohrbereich {m}
tech. bore ringBohrungsring {m}
tools weapons bore snakeLaufreinigungsschnur {f}
tech. bore surfaceBohrungsoberfläche {f}
bore-holeBohrloch {n}
tech. choke boreWürgebohrung {f}
tech. connecting boreVerbindungsbohrung {f}
tech. coolant boreKühlmittelbohrung {f}
tech. counter boreGegenbohrung {f}
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