Dictionary English German: slave drive

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NOUN   a slave drive [computer] | slave drives
VERB  to slave-drive | slave-drove | slave-driven ... 
NOUN   der Slave-Drive | die Slave-Drives
comp. slave driveSlave-Drive {m}
to slave-driveschinden
to slave-driveausbeuten [Arbeiter etc.]
Partial Matches
comp. Slave does not report.Slave meldet sich nicht.
electr. slave frequencySlave-Frequenz {f} [auch: Slavefrequenz]
comp. slave [coll.]Slave {m} [ugs.]
comp. electr. slave addressSlave-Adresse {f}
comp. slave {adj} [attr.]Slave-
comp. master slave modelMaster-Slave-Modell {n}
comp. master-slave arrangementMaster-Slave-Anordnung {f}
biol. meiotic drivemeiotischer Drive {m} [selten]
film F 12 Years a Slave [Steve McQueen]12 Years a Slave
gastr. drive-through (restaurant) [also: drive-thru]Drive-in {n} [Drive-In-Restaurant]
film F Mulholland Dr. / Mulholland Drive [David Lynch]Mulholland DriveStraße der Finsternis
sports drive [golf, tennis]Drive {m}
drive-by [coll.] [drive-by shooting]Drive-by-Shooting {n}
gastr. drive-thru [Am.] [restaurant]Drive-in {n} [Drive-In-Restaurant]
film drive-in theater [Am.]Drive-in-Kino {n}
film drive-in theatre [Br.]Drive-in-Kino {n}
biol. jobs gene drive researcher [female]Gene-Drive-Forscherin {f}
three-phase drive <3-phase drive>Drehstromantrieb {m}
slave {adj}untergeordnet
slaveSklave {m}
comp. MedTech. slave monitorSlave-Monitor {m}
comp. slave serverSlave-Server {m}
drive-in restaurantDrive-in-Lokal {n}
biol. jobs gene drive researcherGene-Drive-Forscher {m}
comp. slave {adj} [attr.]Zweit-
to slavesich abplagen
slave [female]Sklavin {f}
slave-holding {adj}sklavenhaltend
entom. slave-making {adj}sklavenhaltend
hist. black slaveNegersklave {m}
bond-slaveLeibeigener {m}
child slaveKindersklave {m}
hist. naut. galley slaveGaleerensklave {m}
hist. naut. galley slaveGaleerensträfling {m}
household slaveHaussklave {m}
hist. rural slaveLandsklave {m}
sex slaveSexsklave {m}
hist. mil. slave armySklavenheer {n}
slave brokerSklavenhändler {m}
slave clockNebenuhr {f}
comp. slave clock <SC>Slave-Clock {f} <SC>
hist. Slave CoastSklavenküste {f}
slave communitySklavengemeinschaft {f}
slave computerNebenrechner {m}
automot. slave cylinderNehmerzylinder {m}
archaeo. slave dancesSklaventänze {pl}
slave dealerSklavenhändler {m}
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