Dictionary English German: shrub

Translation 1 - 50 of 80  >>

English German
NOUN   a shrub | shrubs
SYNO   bush | shrub
bot. shrub
Busch {m}
bot. hort. shrub
Staude {f} [bes. südd.]
bot. shrub
Strauch {m}
geogr. shrub
Buschland {n}
gastr. shrub [archaic]Zitronenlikör {m}
2 Words: Others
bot. shrub-like {adj}buschartig
bot. shrub-like {adj}strauchartig
ecol. for. shrub-rich {adj}gebüschreich [buschreich]
2 Words: Nouns
bot. alder shrubErlenbusch {m}
bot. broom shrubGinsterbusch {m}
bot. cinchona shrubChinarindenbusch {m}
bot. coffee shrubKaffeestrauch {m}
bot. hort. dwarf shrubZwergstrauch {m}
bot. espalier shrubSpalierstrauch {m}
hort. flowering shrubBlütenstrauch {m}
bot. medlar shrubMispelstrauch {m}
hort. ornamental shrubZierstrauch {m}
bot. pricky shrubDornenbusch {m}
ecol. hort. shrub cuttings {pl}Strauchschnitt {m} [Abfall]
ecol. for. geogr. shrub encroachmentVerbuschung {f}
bot. geol. shrub layerStrauchschicht {f}
hort. shrub pruningStrauchschnitt {m} [Beschneiden von Sträuchern]
bot. shrub roseRosenstock {m}
bot. hort. shrub rosesStrauchrosen {pl}
bot. geol. shrub stratumStrauchschicht {f}
bot. geogr. shrub tundraStrauchtundra {f}
spiny shrubdorniger Busch {m}
bot. tea shrubTeestrauch {m}
3 Words: Verbs
hort. to prune a shrubeinen Busch beschneiden
3 Words: Nouns
bot. (American) wintergreen shrub [Gaultheria procumbens]Wintergrünstrauch {m} [Niedrige Scheinbeere]
bot. geogr. dwarf shrub tundraZwergstrauchtundra {f}
bot. dwarf-shrub communityZwergstrauchgemeinschaft {f}
bot. ecol. dwarf-shrub heath [type of vegetation]Zwergstrauchheide {f} [Vegetationstyp]
bot. dwarf-shrub vegetationZwergstrauchvegetation {f}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. hort. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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