Dictionary English German: shorts

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NOUN1   - | shorts
NOUN2   a short | shorts
VERB  to short | shorted | shorted
shorting | shorts
SYNO   short pants | shorts | trunks ... 
NOUN   - | die Shorts
cloth. shorts1 [one or more pairs]
Shorts {pl} [eine oder mehrere]
cloth. shorts {pl} [esp. Am.] [men's underpants]
Unterhose {f} [f. Männer]
gastr. shorts [Br.] [coll.] [small measures of liquor]
Kurze {pl} [ugs.] [Schnäpse]
gastr. shorts [coll.]
Schnäpse {pl}
stocks shorts
Baissegeschäfte {pl}
cloth. shorts [esp. Am.] [men's underpants] [more than one pair]Unterbuxen {pl} [ugs., bes. Ruhrgebiet]
cloth. shorts [more than one pair]kurze Hosen {pl}
cloth. shorts {pl} [one pair]Hoserl {n} [österr.]
cloth. shorts1 {pl} [one pair]kurze Hose {f}
2 Words: Others
cloth. in shorts {adv}in kurzen Hosen
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. Bermuda shortsBermudashorts {pl}
cloth. Bermuda shortsBermuda-Shorts {pl}
bike cloth. bib shortsTrägershorts {pl}
bike cloth. bib shorts {pl} [one pair]kurze Trägerhose {f}
bike cloth. bike shorts [coll.]Fahrrad-Shorts {pl}
bike cloth. biker shorts {pl} [one pair]Radlerhose {f} [kurze]
cloth. board shortsBoardshorts {pl}
cloth. booty shortsBooty Shorts {pl} [Hotpants]
cloth. boxer shorts [one or more pairs] [men's loose underpants]Boxershorts {pl} [eine oder mehrere] [Shorts als Unterbekleidung für Männer]
cloth. boxing shorts [one or more pairs]Boxershorts {pl} [eine oder mehrere beim Boxkampf getragene Shorts]
cloth. cargo shortsCargo-Shorts {pl}
bike cloth. cycling shorts {pl} [one pair]Fahrradhose {f}
bike cloth. cycling shorts {pl} [one pair]Radhose {f} [kurze]
bike cloth. cycling shorts {pl} [one pair]Radlerhose {f} [kurze]
cloth. denim shorts {pl} [one pair]kurze Jeanshose {f}
cloth. gym shorts {pl} [one pair]Turnhose {f} [kurze]
cloth. jeans shorts {pl}Jeanshöschen {n}
cloth. jeans shorts {pl} [one pair]kurze Jeanshose {f}
cloth. Jockey® shorts {pl} [Am.] [men's briefs]Slip {m} [Männerunterhose]
cloth. leather shorts {pl}(kurze) Lederhose {f}
cloth. leather shorts {pl} [one pair] [traditional Bavarian]Krachlederne {f} [bayer.]
cloth. leather shorts {pl} [one pair] [traditional Bavarian]Seppelhose {f}
cloth. leather shorts {pl} [one pair] [traditional Bavarian]Sepplhose {f}
cloth. sports running shortsLaufshorts {pl}
cloth. sports running shorts {pl}Turnhose {f}
cloth. walking shortsBermudahosen {pl}
3 Words: Others
Eat my shorts! [Am.] [sl.] [euphem. for eat shit]Leck mich! [ugs.] [vulg.]
3 Words: Nouns
electr. monitoring of shortsQuerschlussüberwachung {f} [Kurzschluss]
overs and shortsKonto {n} für unklare Posten
cloth. pair of shortskurze Hose {f}
yield on shortsRendite {f} der Kurzläufer
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