Dictionary English German: shirt

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NOUN   a shirt | shirts
NOUN   das Shirt | die Shirts
SYNO   Hemd | Oberhemd | Shirt
cloth. shirt
Hemd {n}
cloth. shirt
Oberhemd {n}
cloth. shirt [blouse]
Hemdbluse {f}
cloth. hoodie [Am.]Kapuzen-Shirt {n}
cloth. longsleevelangärmeliges T-Shirt {n}
cloth. shirtShirt {n}
cloth. skivvy [sl.] [Am.]T-Shirt {n}
cloth. tee [coll.]T-Shirt {n}
cloth. teeshirtT-Shirt {n}
2 Words: Others
shirt-sleeve {adj}hemdsärmelig
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. sports (football) shirtTrikot {n}
cloth. aloha shirt [Hawaiian: palaka aloha]Hawaiihemd {n} [auch: Hawaii-Hemd]
cloth. aloha shirt [Hawaiian: palaka aloha]Aloha-Shirt {n} [seltener für: Hawaiihemd]
cloth. sports away shirtAuswärtstrikot {n}
cloth. belly shirtbauchfreies Shirt {n}
cloth. belly tee [sl.]Bauchfrei-T-Shirt {n}
cloth. belly tee [sl.]bauchfreies T-Shirt {n}
cloth. bespoke shirtMaßhemd {n}
cloth. hist. pol. brown shirtBraunhemd {n}
cloth. hist. pol. brown-shirtBraunhemd {n}
mil. camo shirtTarnhemd {n}
mil. camouflage shirtTarnhemd {n}
cloth. casual shirtFreizeithemd {n}
cloth. casual shirtSporthemd {n}
cloth. cellular shirtNetzhemd {n}
cloth. check shirtKarohemd {n}
cloth. clean shirtsauberes Hemd {n}
cloth. collared shirtKragenhemd {n}
cloth. collared shirtHemd {n} mit Kragen
cloth. cotton shirtBaumwollhemd {n}
cloth. cotton tee [coll.]Baumwoll-T-Shirt {n}
cloth. denim shirtJeanshemd {n}
cloth. dress shirtAnzughemd {n}
cloth. dress shirtFrackhemd {n}
cloth. embroidered shirtbesticktes Hemd {n}
cloth. favorite shirt [Am.]Lieblingshemd {n}
cloth. favourite shirt [Br.]Lieblingshemd {n}
cloth. flannel shirtFlanellhemd {n}
cloth. flax shirtFlachshemd {n}
cloth. folkloric shirtFolklorehemd {n}
cloth. football shirt [Br.]Fußballtrikot {n}
cloth. frilled shirtRüschenhemd {n}
cloth. fringe shirtFransenhemd {n}
cloth. fringed shirtFransenhemd {n}
cloth. sports gym shirtTurnhemd {n}
cloth. relig. hair shirtBüßerhemd {n}
lit. hair shirthärenes Gewand {n}
hair shirt [coll.] [fig.]Plage {f} [Ärgernis]
cloth. Hawaiian shirtHawaiihemd {n}
cloth. sports home shirtHeimtrikot {n}
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