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| sensible {adj} | 7073 vernünftig | |
| sensible {adj} | 2444 sinnvoll | |
| sensible {adj} [of clothes] | 702 zweckmäßig | |
| sensible {adj} [rational] | 654 gescheit | |
| sensible {adj} [perceptible by the senses] | 561 spürbar | |
| sensible {adj} | 526 bewusst | |
| sensible {adj} [perceptible by the senses] | 501 wahrnehmbar | |
| sensible {adj} | 481 fühlbar | |
| sensible {adj} | 471 merklich | |
| sensible {adj} [difference, increase, etc.] | 430 beachtlich | |
| sensible {adj} | 375 verständig | |
| sensible {adj} [archaic] [large] | 373 gravierend [schwerwiegend] | |
| sensible {adj} [perceptible to the senses] | 348 sinnlich | |
| sensible {adj} [capable of feeling or perceiving, impressible] | 31 empfänglich [sensibel] | |
| sensible {adj} [capable of feeling or perceiving] | 16 empfindungsfähig | |
| sensible {adj} [manifest to the senses] | sinnenfällig [selten] [geh.] [sinnfällig] | |
2 Words: Others |
| machine-sensible {adj} | maschinenlesbar | |
| med. medically sensible {adj} | medizinisch sinnvoll | |
| more sensible {adj} | sinnvoller | |
| most sensible {adj} | sinnvollste | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be sensible | vernünftig sein | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| sensible child | verständiges Kind {n} | |
| cloth. sensible dress | vernünftiges Kleid {n} | |
| acad. phys. sensible heat | fühlbare Wärme {f} | |
| sensible indicator | empfindlicher Indikator {m} | |
| sensible manner | vernünftiges Benehmen {n} | |
| sensible material | empfindliches Material {n} | |
| sensible organ | empfindliches Organ {n} | |
| sensible person | vernünftige Person {f} | |
| sensible price | angemessener Preis {m} | |
| sensible solution | sinnvolle Lösung {f} | |
| sensible wind | deutlich spürbarer Luftzug {m} | |
| sensitive data | sensible Daten {pl} | |
| sensitive information {sg} | sensible Informationen {pl} | |
| sensitive matter | sensible Angelegenheit {f} | |
| med. sensitive phase | sensible Phase {f} | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be sensible of sth. [be aware of] | sichDat. etw.Gen. bewusst sein | |
| to be sensible of sth. [literary] | etw.Akk. empfinden | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| comm. commercially sensitive information {sg} | kommerziell sensible Informationen {pl} | |
| med. saddle sensory changes | sensible Störungen {pl} im Gesäß- und Oberschenkelbereich | |
| sensible young person | verständige junge Person {f} | |
4 Words: Others |
| sensible to new ideas {adj} | empfänglich für neue Ideen | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| med. Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy <CMT neuropathy> [HMSN I, HMSN 1, HMSN Typ 1] | hereditäre motorisch-sensible Neuropathie {f} Typ 1 <HMSN I, HMSN 1, HMSN Typ 1> | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to be sensible enough to do sth. | vernünftigerweise etw. tun | |
| to be sensible of a fact [dated] | sich einer Tatsache bewusst sein | |
| to be sensible of a fault | sichDat. eines Mangels bewusst sein | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| med. hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type 1 <HMSN 1, HMSN I, HMSN type 1> | hereditäre motorisch-sensible Neuropathie {f} Typ 1 <HMSN I, HMSN 1, HMSN Typ 1> | |