Dictionary English German: semi normal

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semi-normal {adj}halbwegs normal
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med. normal appearing white matter <NAWM>normal aussehende weiße Substanz {f}
meteo. above-normal {adj}über normal [über Normal Null]
math. absolutely normal {adj} [number]absolut normal [Zahl]
math. simply normal {adj} [number]einfach normal [Zahl]
to act normalsichAkk. normal verhalten
comp. semi-decidability [also: semidecidability]Semi-Entscheidbarkeit {f} [auch: Semientscheidbarkeit]
biochem. semi-essential amino acidsemi-essentielle Aminosäure {f}
biochem. semi-essential amino acidssemi-essentielle Aminosäuren {pl}
fish semi-anadromous {adj}semi-anadrom [auch: semianadrom]
math. semi-Riemannian manifoldsemi-riemannsche Mannigfaltigkeit {f}
math. completely normal {adj}vollständig normal
chem. semi-essential {adj}semi-essentiell
biol. ecol. semi-infaunal {adj}Semi-Infauna-
mus. spec. semi-operaSemi-Oper {f}
semi-vegetarianSemi-Vegetarier {m}
electr. tech. semi-custom designSemi-Custom-Entwurf {m}
normal {adj}normal
normal {adj}gewöhnlich
normal {adj}konventionell
normal {adj}normgerecht
normal {adj}regulär
normal {adj}typisch
normal {adj}üblich
ordinary {adj}normal
sane {adj}normal
standard {adj}normal
usual {adj}normal
math. normalNormale {f}
normal {adj} [undisguised]unverstellt
ordinary {adj}ganz normal
meteo. above-normal {adj}übernormal
more normal {adj}normaler
most normal {adj}normalste
math. (surface) normalNormalenvektor {m}
engin. normal accelerationNormalbeschleunigung {f}
normal adultNormalerwachsener {m}
aviat. meteo. tech. normal atmosphereNormalatmosphäre {f}
normal caseNormalfall {m}
normal channelInstanzenweg {m}
electr. normal chargeNormalladung {f}
normal conditionsNormalbedingungen {pl}
chem. phys. normal conditions {pl}Normalzustand {m}
phys. normal conductorNormalleiter {m}
math. phys. tech. normal curveNormalkurve {f}
math. normal curveNormalverteilungskurve {f}
normal deviateNormalabweichung {f}
normal deviationNormalabweichung {f}
FoodInd. normal dietNormalkost {f}
math. normal distributionNormalverteilung {f}
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