| English | German  |  |
 | sb./sth. seems | 752 jd./etw. scheint |  |
 | sth. shines | 137 etw. scheint |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | Seems to be. | Scheint so. |  |
 | So it would seem. | Scheint so. |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | This seems natural. | Das scheint naheliegend. |  |
 | The sun is shining. | Die Sonne scheint. |  |
 | It appears to me ... | Es scheint mir ... |  |
 | It looks that way. [coll.] | Es scheint so. |  |
 | It would seem so. | Es scheint so. |  |
 | It seems that ... | Es scheint, dass ... |  |
 | as it seems {adv} | wie es scheint |  |
 | by all appearances {adv} | wie es scheint |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | ..., it seems, ... | ..., wie es scheint, ... |  |
 | Internet it seems to me <ISTM> | es scheint mir so |  |
 | It occurs to me that ... | Es scheint mir, dass ... |  |
 | It seems almost incredible that ... | Es scheint unglaublich, dass ... |  |
 | We think it necessary to ... | Es scheint uns geboten, ... [geh.] |  |
 | It seems to us that ... | Es scheint uns, dass ... |  |
 | It would seem that ... | Es scheint, als ob ... |  |
 | or so it seems | so scheint es jedenfalls |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | Nothing seems to go right anymore. | Alles scheint falsch zu laufen. |  |
 | It seems to work here well enough. | Bei uns scheint das ganz gut zu funktionieren. |  |
 | There seems to be a mistake. | Da scheint ein Fehler vorzuliegen. |  |
 | There appears to be a mistake. | Da scheint ein Fehler zu sein. |  |
 | There seems to be a mistake. | Da scheint ein Fehler zu sein. |  |
 | There appears to be an error. | Da scheint ein Irrtum vorzuliegen. |  |
 | There appears to be a preference. | Da scheint eine Bevorzugung vorzuliegen. |  |
 | There seems to be something wrong with ... | Da scheint etwas verkehrt zu laufen mit ... |  |
 | This seems like a good point. | Dies scheint ein günstiger Zeitpunkt zu sein. |  |
 | A glass of beer seems (to be) appropriate. | Ein Glas Bier scheint angebracht (zu sein). |  |
 | He seems to have a standing order for car accidents. | Er scheint auf Autounfälle abonniert zu sein. |  |
 | idiom He seems to have a monopoly on bad luck. | Er scheint das Pech abonniert zu haben. [fig.] |  |
 | He seems to have an eye for a good investment. | Er scheint ein geübtes Auge für gute Anlagen zu haben. |  |
 | He seems well-suited for the job. | Er scheint für den Job gut geeignet zu sein. |  |
 | He appears to be sick. | Er scheint krank zu sein. |  |
 | There seems to be a strong likelihood that ... | Es scheint sehr wahrscheinlich zu sein, dass ... |  |
 | There seems to have been a last-minute change in the programme. [Br.] | Es scheint, als hätte es in letzter Minute eine Programmänderung gegeben. |  |
 | The firm appears to be ... | Es scheint, die Firma sei ... |  |
 | He just oozes vanity. [idiom] | Ihm scheint die Eitelkeit aus allen Knopflöchern. [ugs.] [Redewendung] |  |
 | She's just bursting with curiosity. [idiom] | Ihr scheint die Neugier aus allen Knopflöchern. [ugs.] [Redewendung] |  |
 | Now they look sure to ... | Nun scheint es sicher, dass sie ... [sie: 3. Pers. Plural] |  |
 | Although it may seem absurd ... | Obwohl es vielleicht absurd scheint ... |  |
 | It seems to us that ... | Uns scheint es so, als ob ... |  |