Dictionary English German: schönes

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

ADJ  schön | schöner | am schönsten
schöner | schöne | schönes
schönster | schönste | schönstes
NOUN   das Schöne/ein Schönes | -
(the) beautiful
Schönes {n}
2 Words: Others
Happy Saint Nicholas Day! [6th of December]Schönes Nikolausfest! [6. Dezember]
2 Words: Nouns
nice mess [iron.]schönes Durcheinander {n} [iron.]
pretty mess [iron.]schönes Durcheinander {n} [iron.]
beautiful pieceschönes Einzelstück {n}
nice specimenschönes Exemplar {n}
beautiful table arrangementschönes Gedeck {n}
beautiful faceschönes Gesicht {n}
pretty faceschönes Gesicht {n}
beautiful girlschönes Mädchen {n}
art beautiful pastelschönes Pastell {n} [Bild]
meteo. clear weatherschönes Wetter {n}
meteo. fair weatherschönes Wetter {n}
meteo. nice weatherschönes Wetter {n}
meteo. serene weatherschönes Wetter {n}
3 Words: Others
Have a good weekend!(Ein) schönes Wochenende!
A glorious mess! [idiom]Ein schönes Chaos! [Redewendung]
Happy dreams!Träum was Schönes!
Sweet dreams!Träum was Schönes!
3 Words: Verbs
to dream of something niceetwas Schönes träumen
3 Words: Nouns
meteo. persisting fine weatherfortdauernd schönes Wetter {n}
beauty spot [Br.] [place known for its beautiful scenery]schönes Fleckchen {n} (Erde)
ecol. geogr. travel beautiful natural spotschönes Fleckchen {n} Natur
ecol. geogr. travel beautiful nature spotschönes Fleckchen {n} Natur
exceptionally beautiful specimenselten schönes Exemplar {n}
meteo. fantastic weathertraumhaft schönes Wetter {n}
4 Words: Others
a good way off {adv}ein schönes Stück weg
The weather is fine today.Heute ist schönes Wetter.
4 Words: Verbs
to admire a beautiful pictureein schönes Bild bewundern
to lead a fine lifeein schönes Leben führen
4 Words: Nouns
a lovely spotein schönes Fleckchen {n} Erde
a pretty little houseein schönes kleines Häuschen {n}
idiom a nice little sumein schönes Stück {n} Geld
5+ Words: Others
All hell will be let loose. [coll.] [fig.]Das wird ein schönes Donnerwetter geben / setzen. [ugs.] [fig.] [Redewendung]
I think we'll have good weather.Ich glaube, wir bekommen schönes Wetter.
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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