Dictionary English German: scar

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English German
NOUN   a scar | scars
VERB  to scar | scarred | scarred ... 
SYNO   cicatrice | cicatrix | scar | to mark ... 
to scar
to scar
to scar [fig.] [person]
to scarNarben hinterlassen
to scareine Narbe hinterlassen
to scareine Narbe zufügen
to scar sb.(bei jdm.) tiefe Wunden schlagen [fig.]
med. scar [also fig. (mental scar)]
Narbe {f} [auch fig. (seelische Narbe)]
med. scar
Kratzer {m}
med. scar
Schramme {f}
med. scar
Wunde {f}
med. scar
Wundmal {n}
scar [in the face, from fencing among university students]
Schmiß {m} [alt] [Narbe]
2 Words: Verbs
med. to scar oververnarben
2 Words: Nouns
med. (wound) scarWundnarbe {f}
med. acne scarAknenarbe {f}
med. appendectomy scarBlinddarmnarbe {f}
med. birth scarGeburtsnarbe {f}
archaeo. bulbar scarSchlagnarbe {f}
med. burn scarBrandnarbe {f}
med. burn scarVerbrennungsnarbe {f}
med. cardiac scarHerzschwiele {f}
med. corneal scarHornhautnarbe {f}
dueling scarSchmiss {m} [schlagende Studenten]
med. epidural scarepidurale Narbe {f}
fire scarBrandnarbe {f}
biol. glial scarGlianarbe {f}
hideous scarhässliche Narbe {f}
bot. leaf scarBlattnarbe {f}
livid scar [dark blue or purple]bläuliche Narbe {f}
med. myocardial scarMyokardnarbe {f}
med. myocardial scarmyokardiale Narbe {f}
med. permanent scarbleibende Narbe {f}
med. postoperative scarOperationsnarbe {f}
med. scar formationNarbenbildung {f}
med. scar massageNarbenmassage {f}
med. scar stricturenarbige Striktur {f}
med. scar tissueNarbengewebe {n}
bot. seed scarSamennarbe {f}
med. skin scarHautnarbe {f}
med. surgical scarOperationsnarbe {f}
med. tear scarRissnarbe {f}
ugly scarhässliche Narbe {f}
med. ugly scarscheußliche Schramme {f}
med. vaccination scarImpfnarbe {f}
med. vaccination scar [mark]Pockennarbe {f} [Pockenimpfungsnarbe]
3 Words: Verbs
to leave a scareine Narbe zurücklassen
to scar for lifelebenslang entstellen
3 Words: Nouns
med. C-section scarKaiserschnittnarbe {f}
med. pleural scar tissueLungenfell-Schwarte {f}
4 Words: Nouns
anat. med. formation of scar tissueNarbenbildung {f}
scar on one's foreheadNarbe {f} auf der Stirn
5+ Words: Others
He has a scar running across his chest.Eine Narbe zieht sich quer über seine Brust.
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
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