| English | German  |  |
– | |
 | clean {adj} | 2627 sauber |  |
 | tidy {adj} [handwriting] | 1393 sauber [Schrift] |  |
 | neat {adj} | 578 sauber |  |
 | legit {adj} [coll.] | 414 sauber [ugs.] |  |
 | trim {adj} | 336 sauber |  |
 | kosher {adj} [coll.] [legitimate, proper] | 187 sauber [ugs.] |  |
 | properly {adv} | 153 sauber |  |
 | sound [Br.] [coll.] [good, e.g. "Sound as a pound!"] | 51 sauber [ugs.] |  |
 | audio RadioTV clear {adj} [image, sound] | 26 sauber [störungsfrei, Wiedergabe] |  |
 | unsoiled {adj} | 25 sauber |  |
 | ecol. unpolluted {adj} | 23 sauber [Fluss, Umwelt] |  |
 | handsome {adj} [good-looking of a girl, woman] | 23 sauber [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [hübsch, schmuck] |  |
 | cleanly {adv} {dated:adj} | 13 sauber |  |
 | housebroken {adj} | 13 sauber |  |
 | FireResc Clear! [shouted by police on securing a room] | 8 Sauber! [Meldung beim Stürmen eines Objektes durch Polizeikräfte, wenn ein Raum oder das ganze Objekt als gesichert gelten] |  |
 | honest {adj} | 5 sauber [anständig] |  |
 | speckless {adj} | sauber |  |
 | specklessly {adv} | sauber |  |
 | sprucely {adv} | sauber |  |
 | clean-living {adj} | sauber |  |
 | potty-trained {adj} | sauber [Kind] |  |
 | toilet-trained {adj} | sauber [Kinder] |  |
 | Nice one! [coll.] [idiom] | Sauber! [ugs.] [bes. südd., österr., schweiz.] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | all clean {adj} | alles sauber |  |
 | Keep yourself clean! | Bleib sauber! |  |
 | Take care! | Bleib sauber! [ugs.] |  |
 | spit-and-polish {adj} | extrem sauber |  |
 | squeaky clean {adj} [coll.] | glänzend sauber |  |
 | sb./sth. cleaned | jd./etw. machte sauber |  |
 | spotlessly clean {adj} | makellos sauber |  |
 | clean as a new pin {adj} [dated] [idiom] | makellos sauber |  |
 | prim {adj} | pedantisch sauber |  |
 | meticulously clean {adj} | peinlich sauber |  |
 | scrupulously clean {adj} | peinlich sauber |  |
 | neat and clean {adj} | peinlich sauber |  |
 | clean-shaven {adj} | sauber rasiert |  |
 | close-shaven {adj} | sauber rasiert |  |
 | smooth-shaven {adj} | sauber rasiert |  |
 | spick and span {adj} | tadellos sauber [ugs.] |  |
 | not-so-clean {adj} | wenig sauber |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to make a good fist of sth. [Br.] [idiom] | etw.Akk. sauber hinkriegen [ugs.] [Redewendung] |  |
 | to rake sth. clean | etw.Akk. sauber rechen |  |
 | to wipe sth. clean | etw. sauber wischen |  |
 | to remain clean | sauber bleiben |  |
 | to stay clean | sauber bleiben |  |
 | to go straight | sauber bleiben [keine krummen Dinger drehen] [ugs.] |  |
 | to keep clean | sauber halten |  |
 | to clean | sauber machen |  |
 | to clean house | sauber machen |  |
 | to do the cleaning | sauber machen |  |
 | to houseclean | sauber machen [Haus, Wohnung] |  |
 | to defecate | sauber werden |  |
 | to get clean | sauber werden |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | Keep yourself clean! | Halte dich sauber! |  |
 | neat and tidy {adj} [in appearance] | sauber und gepflegt |  |
 | clean and tidy {adj} | sauber und ordentlich |  |
 | neat and tidy {adj} | sauber und ordentlich |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to tidy | ordentlich sauber machen |  |
 | to clean oneself | sich sauber machen |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | Are your hands clean? | Sind deine Hände sauber? |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | sports to keep a clean sheet | das Tor sauber halten |  |
 | to clean the bottom of sth. | die Unterseite sauber machen |  |
 | to do a room | ein Zimmer sauber machen |  |
 | to clear out a stable | einen Stall sauber machen |  |
 | to clean a car | einen Wagen sauber machen |  |
 | to be (a bit) bonkers [esp. Br.] [coll.] | nicht (ganz) sauber sein [ugs.] |  |
 | to clean one's room | sein Zimmer sauber machen |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | gastr. until a wooden pick inserted in the centre comes out clean {adv} [Br.] | bis ein in die Mitte gestecktes Holzstäbchen sauber herauskommt |  |
 | sth. cleans easily | etw. lässt sich leicht sauber machen |  |
 | mus. Lick me in the ass fine well and clean [literal translation] | Leck mir den Arsch fein recht schön sauber [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, KV233/382d] |  |
 | as long as he keeps it clean | solange er es sauber hält |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to wipe sth. clean on one's pants [Am.] | etw. an seiner Hose sauber wischen |  |