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| sage {adj} | 1698 weise | |
| sage {adj} | 940 klug [weise, gescheit] | |
| sage {adj} [wise] | 162 gescheit [weise, klug] | |
| sage {adj} [colour] | 96 graugrün [wie Salbei] | |
Verbs |
| to sage sth. | etw.Akk. mit Salbei ausräuchern | |
Nouns |
| bot. gastr. T | 1822 | |
| lit. legend | 866 Sage {f} | |
| sage2 [profoundly wise man] | 442 Weiser {m} | |
| lit. saga | 233 Sage {f} | |
| sage2 [female] | 143 Weise {f} [weise Frau] | |
| lit. myth | 69 Sage {f} | |
| rumor [Am.] | 65 Sage {f} [fig.] [Gerücht] | |
| sage1 [colour] | 45 Salbeigrün {n} [helles Graugrün] | |
| rumour [Br.] | 28 Sage {f} [fig.] [Gerücht] | |
| foaftale [from FOAF: friend of a friend] | moderne Sage {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| a whopping ... [three hours, $1.5 billion etc.] [coll.] [idiom] | sage und schreibe ... [drei Stunden, 1,5 Milliarden $ etc.] [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| psych. acquiescence tendency | Ja-Sage-Tendenz {f} [Akquieszenz] | |
| lit. aetiological tale | ätiologische Sage {f} | |
| lit. etiological tale [Am.] | ätiologische Sage {f} | |
| lit. myth. mythological story | Sage {f} | |
| sage advice | kluger Rat {m} | |
| gastr. sage cheddar | Salbei-Cheddar {m} | |
| pharm. sage drop | Salbeibonbon {n} | |
| pharm. sage drops | Salbeibonbons {pl} | |
| sage stick [incense] | Salbei-Stab {m} [Räucherwerk] | |
| gastr. sage tea | Salbeitee {m} | |
| urban legend | moderne Sage {f} | |
3 Words: Others |
| I'm not saying! | Das sage ich nicht! | |
| myth. in Greek legend {adv} | in der griechischen Sage | |
| myth. in Greek mythology {adv} | in der griechischen Sage | |
| legend has it | der Sage nach | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| gastr. sage Derby (cheese) | Sage Derby {m} [Salbei-Cheddar] | |
| geogr. Sage Hen State [archaic] [nickname] [State of Nevada] | [veralteter Spitzname für Nevada, USA] | |
4 Words: Others |
| Because I say so! | Weil ich das so sage! | |
| Because I say so. | Weil ich es sage. | |
| believe it or not {adv} | sage und schreibe [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| Do as I say! [said to more than one person] | Tut, was ich sage! | |
| idiom I call the shots! [coll.] | Ich sage, was getan wird! | |
| I'd rather not say. | Das sage ich lieber nicht. | |
| I'll tell him that ... | Ich sage ihm, dass ... | |
| I'm telling the truth. | Ich sage die Wahrheit. | |
| idiom That's all I'm saying. | Mehr sage ich nicht. | |
5+ Words: Others |
| Do as I say, not as I do. | Tu, was ich dir sage, und nicht, was ich selber tue. | |
| Do what I say not what I do! <DWISNWID> | Tu, was ich dir sage, und nicht, was ich selber tue! | |
| Do you hear what I'm saying? | Hören Sie, was ich sage? [formelle Anrede] | |
| Don't just believe it on my say-so. [coll.] | Glaub es doch nicht einfach nur, weil ich es sage. | |
| I wouldn't say no to that. | Da sage ich nicht Nein. | |
| I'll give you the lowdown. [coll.] | Ich sage Ihnen, was wirklich dran ist. | |
| I'm not gonna tell you. [coll.] | Das sage ich dir nicht. | |
| I'm not saying another word! | Ich sage gar nichts mehr! | |