Dictionary English German: rye

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NOUN   rye | -
SYNO   rye | rye whiskey | rye whisky ... 
agr. bot. T
Roggen {m}
rye [rye whisky]
Roggenwhisky {m}
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. rye (whiskey)Roggen-Whiskey {m} [auch: Roggenwhiskey]
gastr. rye branRoggenkleie {f}
gastr. rye breadRoggenbrot {n}
gastr. rye bunRoggenbrötchen {n}
agr. rye cropRoggenernte {f} [Ausbeute]
agr. rye cultivationRoggenanbau {m}
agr. rye farmingRoggenanbau {m}
agr. rye fieldRoggenfeld {n}
FoodInd. gastr. rye flourKornmehl {n} [veraltet]
gastr. rye flourRoggenmehl {n}
bot. rye germRoggenkeim {m}
biochem. FoodInd. rye glutenRoggengluten {n}
biochem. FoodInd. rye glutenRoggenkleber {m}
agr. rye growingRoggenanbau {m}
agr. rye harvestRoggenernte {f} [Vorgang]
gastr. rye loafRoggenbrot {n} [Laib]
gastr. rye pancakesRoggenmehlpfannkuchen {pl}
agr. comm. rye produceRoggenertrag {m}
agr. econ. rye producerRoggenproduzent {m}
agr. econ. rye productionRoggenproduktion {f}
gastr. rye rollRoggenbrötchen {n}
gastr. rye rollsBosniaken {pl} [österr.]
agr. rye strawRoggenstroh {n}
gastr. rye toastRoggentoast {m}
agr. rye variety [variety of rye]Roggenart {f}
gastr. rye whiskeyRoggenwhisky {m}
agr. rye yieldRoggenernte {f} [Ertrag]
agr. comm. rye yieldRoggenertrag {m}
agr. spring rye [Secale cereale]Sommerroggen {m}
agr. winter ryeWinterroggen {m}
3 Words: Nouns
agr. autumn-sown ryeWinterroggen {m}
gastr. coarse rye breadBauernbrot {n}
gastr. coarse rye mealRoggenschrot {m} {n}
gastr. dark rye breaddunkles Roggenbrot {n}
gastr. dark rye bread [sourdough bread made from rye mixed with wheat]Mischbrot {n}
gastr. dark rye bread [sourdough bread, from rye mixed with wheat]Schwarzbrot {n} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [Mischbrot]
gastr. rye bread rollSchusterjunge {m} [berlinerisch: quadratisches Roggenbrötchen]
agr. rye cultivation areaRoggenanbaufläche {f}
gastr. rye germ oilRoggenkeimöl {n}
gastr. rye-wheat breadMischbrot {n}
gastr. rye-wheat breadRoggenmischbrot {n}
gastr. wheat-rye breadWeizenmischbrot {n}
gastr. whole grain ryeRoggenganzkorn {n}
FoodInd. gastr. whole rye flourRoggenvollkornmehl {n}
gastr. wholemeal rye breadRoggenvollkornbrot {n}
agr. yield of ryeRoggenernte {f} [Ertrag]
agr. comm. yield of ryeRoggenertrag {m}
4 Words: Nouns
gastr. wheat and rye breadWeizen-Roggenmischbrot {n}
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