Dictionary English German: role

Translation 1 - 50 of 248  >>

English German
NOUN   a role | roles
SYNO   character | part | persona | role ... 
Funktion {f}
sociol. theatre role
Rolle {f}
role [function, position]
Stellung {f} [Rolle, Funktion]
sociol. theatre rôle [dated spv.] [role] [part played by an individual or actor]
Rolle {f} [Gestalt, Stellung]
theatre role
Theaterrolle {f}
Wertigkeit {f} [Stellenwert, Rolle]
rôle [dated spv.] [role] [function]
Funktion {f}
2 Words: Others
mil. multi-role {adj} [attr.]Mehrzweck-
role-based {adj}rollenbasiert
2 Words: Verbs
to assume sb.'s rolejds. Rolle übernehmen
2 Words: Nouns
behavioural role [Br.]Rollenverhalten {n}
film theatre bit rolekleine Nebenrolle {f}
mil. bomber roleBomberrolle {f}
theatre breeches role [coll.]Hosenrolle {f}
film RadioTV cameo roleGastauftritt {m} [eines bekannten Schauspielers oder Regisseurs]
causal rolekausale Rolle {f}
ceremonial rolezeremonielle Rolle {f}
film comic roleKomikrolle {f}
comp. ind. composite roleSammelrolle {f}
crucial roleSchlüsselrolle {f}
crucial roleentscheidende Rolle {f}
dominant roleHauptrolle {f}
double roleDoppelrolle {f}
dual roleDoppelrolle {f}
RadioTV episode roleEpisodenrolle {f}
exemplary roleVorbildrolle {f}
psych. sociol. father's roleVaterrolle {f}
sociol. female roleFrauenrolle {f}
film film roleFilmrolle {f} [eines Schauspielers bzw. einer Schauspielerin]
film film role [Br.]Kinorolle {f}
forerunner roleVorreiterrolle {f}
sociol. gender roleGeschlechterrolle {f}
gender roleGeschlechtsrolle {f}
guest roleGastrolle {f}
guiding roleFührungsrolle {f}
guiding roleLeitrolle {f}
film theatre hero's roleHeldenrolle {f}
important rolemaßgebliche Rolle {f}
intermediary roleMittlerrolle {f}
pol. intermediary roleVermittlerrolle {f}
gastr. kebab roleKebaprolle {f} [Dürüm]
key roleSchlüsselfunktion {f}
key roleSchlüsselposition {f}
key roleSchlüsselrolle {f}
key roleSchlüsselstellung {f} [fig.]
key rolewichtige Rolle {f}
lead (role)führende Rolle {f}
film lit. theatre lead roleHauptrolle {f}
lead roleVorreiterrolle {f}
pol. leadership roleFührungsrolle {f}
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