Dictionary English German: rice

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NOUN   rice | -
VERB  to rice | riced | riced ... 
SYNO   Rice | Sir Tim Rice ... 
gastr. to rice sth. [Am.]
etw. stampfen [z. B. Kartoffeln]
gastr. to rice sth. [Am.]
etw. durchpressen [z. B. Kartoffeln]
agr. bot. gastr. rice
Reis {m}
bot. T
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to boil riceReis kochen
gastr. to cook riceReis kochen
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. arborio (rice) [also: Arborio (rice)]Arborio {m} [Reisart]
gastr. arborio rice [also: Arborio rice]Arborioreis {m} [auch: Arborio-Reis]
gastr. basmati riceBasmatireis {m}
gastr. basmati riceBasmati-Reis {m}
gastr. broken riceBruchreis {m}
gastr. brown riceNaturreis {m}
FoodInd. gastr. brown riceVollkornreis {m}
gastr. creamed riceReisbrei {m}
agr. bot. cultivated riceKulturreis {m}
gastr. curried riceCurryreis {m}
gastr. dirty riceDirty Rice {m} {n} [Reis-Geflügelkleingericht der Cajun-Küche]
agr. bot. dry riceTrockenreis {m} [Reissorte]
gastr. foreign riceausländischer Reis {m}
gastr. fragrant riceDuftreis {m}
gastr. fried ricegebratener Reis {m}
gastr. glutinous riceKlebreis {m}
gastr. ground rice(grobes) Reismehl {n}
gastr. ground ricegemahlener Reis {m}
gastr. husked ricegeschälter Reis {m}
agr. hybrid riceHybridreis {m}
gastr. imported riceimportierter Reis {m}
gastr. jasmine riceJasminreis {m}
gastr. jollof riceJollof-Reis {m}
gastr. paddy riceRohreis {m}
gastr. pudding rice [Br.]Milchreis {m} [Rundkornreis]
gastr. puffed ricePuffreis {m}
rice bowlReisschale {f}
gastr. rice bowlReisschüssel {f}
gastr. rice branReiskleie {f}
gastr. rice cakeReisgebäck {n}
gastr. rice cookerReiskocher {m}
agr. rice cropReisernte {f} [Ertrag]
agr. rice cultivationReisanbau {m}
gastr. rice dishReisgericht {n}
phys. Rice distribution [also: Rician distribution]Rice-Verteilung {f}
rice factoryReismüllerei {f}
agr. rice farmerReisanbauer {m}
agr. jobs rice farmerReisbauer {m}
agr. jobs rice farmer [female]Reisbäuerin {f}
rice fieldReisacker {m}
agr. rice fieldReisfeld {n}
gastr. rice flakesReisflocken {pl}
FoodInd. gastr. rice flourReismehl {n}
rice grainReiskorn {n}
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