Dictionary English German: ribs

Translation 1 - 47 of 47

English German
NOUN   a rib | ribs
VERB  to rib | ribbed | ribbed
ribbing | ribs
ribs [if med: Costae]
Rippen {pl}
anat. ribs
Rippenknochen {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
tech. (umbrella) ribsSchirmrippen {pl} [Regenschirm, Sonnenschirm]
med. broken ribsRippenbrüche {pl}
broken ribsgebrochene Rippen {pl}
med. bruised ribs {pl}Rippenprellung {f}
centring ribs [Br.]Zentrierrippen {pl}
anat. VetMed. false ribs [Costae spuriae]asternale Rippen {pl}
anat. VetMed. false ribs [Costae spuriae]falsche Rippen {pl}
anat. false ribs [Costae spuriae]unechte Rippen {pl} [Rippenpaare 8 - 12]
anat. VetMed. fixed ribs [Costae verae] [true ribs]wahre Rippen {pl}
anat. VetMed. floating ribs [Costae fluctuantes]Fleischrippen {pl}
anat. VetMed. floating ribs [Costae fluctuantes]fliehende Rippen {pl} [freie Rippen]
anat. VetMed. floating ribs [Costae fluctuantes]rudimentäre Rippen {pl}
anat. floating ribs [Costae fluctuantes] [the two lower ribs of the sternum]freie Rippen {pl}
med. fractured ribsRippenbrüche {pl}
material tech. needle ribsNadelrippen {pl}
gastr. pork ribsSchweinsrippen {pl}
gastr. roast ribs {pl}Rippenbraten {m}
gastr. short ribs {pl}Querrippe {f}
gastr. spare ribsLeiterchen {pl} [regional] [Schälrippchen]
gastr. spare ribsLeiterle {pl} [ugs.] [regional] [Schälrippchen]
gastr. spare ribsRippchen {pl}
gastr. spare ribsSchälrippchen {pl}
gastr. spare ribsSpareribs {pl}
gastr. spare ribsgeteilte Rippchen {pl} [regional] [Schälrippchen]
anat. VetMed. sternal ribs [Costae verae]sternale Rippenpaare {pl}
anat. true ribs [Costae verae] [sternal ribs, vertebrosternal ribs]echte Rippen {pl} [sternale Rippenpaare]
anat. VetMed. true ribs [Costae verae] [sternal ribs, vertebrosternal ribs]wahre Rippen {pl}
FoodInd. gastr. veal ribsKalbsrippen {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (pork) loin ribsLendenrippchen {pl}
circumferential tread ribsProfil {n} mit Längsrippen
pair of ribsRippenpaar {n}
tech. textil. rows of ribsRippen {pl}
4 Words: Verbs
to dig in the ribsin die Rippen stoßen
to poke sb. in the ribsjdm. in die Rippen stoßen
to poke sb. in the ribsjdn. in die Rippen stoßen
4 Words: Nouns
med. beading of the ribsrachitischer Rosenkranz {m}
anat. cartilage of the ribs [Cartilagines costales]Rippenknorpel {pl}
anat. cartilages of the ribs [Cartilagines costales]Rippenknorpel {pl}
dig (in the ribs)Puff {m} [ugs.] [Rippenstoß]
dig in the ribsRippenstoß {m}
med. fusion of two ribsVerwachsung {f} zweier Rippen
poke (in the ribs)Puff {m} [ugs.] [Rippenstoß]
anat. space between the ribsZwischenrippenraum {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
gastr. lamb chop (from the ribs/forequarter area)Stielkotelett {n} vom Lamm
tread pattern with lengthwise ribsProfil {n} mit Längsrippen
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