Dictionary English German: refrigerating

Translation 1 - 16 of 16

English German
VERB  to refrigerate | refrigerated | refrigerated
refrigerating | refrigerates
SYNO   refrigerant | refrigerating
refrigerating {adj} {pres-p}
tech. refrigerating {adj} [e.g. brine, capacity, chamber, coil, effect, water]Kühl- [z. B. Sole, Leistung, Raum, Schlange, Wirkung, Wasser]
2 Words
nucl. refrigerating brineKühlsole {f}
refrigerating capacityKälteleistung {f}
refrigerating capacityKühlleistung {f} [z. B. eines Kühlschranks]
tech. refrigerating coilKühlschlange {f} [in Kühl- und Klimageräten]
tech. refrigerating compressorKältemittelkompressor {m}
tech. refrigerating compressorKühlkompressor {m}
refrigerating effectKühlwirkung {f} [durch Kühlaggregat, Kühlakku etc.]
refrigerating machineKältemaschine {f}
refrigerating plantKälteanlage {f}
refrigerating plantKühlanlage {f} [über 0 °C]
3 Words
engin. absorption refrigerating systemAbsorptionskältemaschine {f} <AKM>
refrigerating milk tankMilchkühltank {m}
4 Words
refrigerating bulk milk tankMilchkühlwanne {f}
small-type refrigerating machineKleinkältemaschine {f}
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