Dictionary English German: re supply

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SEE ALSO  resupply
to re-supplywieder beliefern
Partial Matches
med. rolandic epilepsy <RE> [also: Rolandic epilepsy]Rolando-Epilepsie {f} <RE>
phys. unit Reynolds number <Re>reynoldssche Zahl {f} <Re> [Reynolds-Zahl]
re-test and double re-testGegenprobe und doppelte Gegenprobe
astron. re-ionization processRe-Ionisationsprozess {m} [auch: Reionisationsprozess]
Eye of ReAuge {n} des Re
hist. lit. Litany of ReLitanei {f} des Re
We're about the same things they're about.Uns geht es um dasselbe wie ihnen.
unit degree Réaumur <°Ré, °Re, °R>Grad {m} {n} Réaumur <°Ré, °Re, °Réaumur, °R>
You're the one they're after. [chasing] [of a female]Du bist diejenige, hinter der sie her sind.
You're the one they're after. [chasing] [of a male]Du bist derjenige, hinter dem sie her sind.
econ. QM supply chain agility <SCA>Supply-Chain-Agilität {f} [auch: Supply-Chain-Agility]
ecol. renewable energy and energy efficiency <RE/EE> <RE & EE>erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz
pol. re-IslamizationRe-Islamisierung {f}
phys. unit Reynolds number <Re>Reynolds'sche Zahl {f} <Re> [Reynolds-Zahl]
med. VetMed. regional enteritis <RE>regionale Enteritis {f} <RE>
engin. unit Reynolds number <Re>Reynolds-Zahl {f} <Re>
film F Re-Animator [Stuart Gordon]Re-Animator
quote Just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you. [used by Kurt Cobain; attributed to Henry Kissinger]Nur weil du paranoid bist, heißt das noch lange nicht, dass sie nicht hinter dir her sind.
QM supply chain optimization <SCO>Supply-Chain-Optimierung {f} <SCO>
med. atrio-ventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia <AV-nodal re-entrant tachycardia, AVNRT>atrioventrikuläre Knoten-Reentrytachykardie {f} <AV-Knoten-Reentrytachykardie, AVNRT>
film F Bride of Re-Animator [Brian Yuzna]Bride of Re-Animator
film F Before the Devil Knows You're Dead [Sidney Lumet]Tödliche EntscheidungBefore the Devil Knows You're Dead
re- {prefix}re-
to supplyanbieten
to supplybeliefern
to supplybeschaffen
to supplyeingeben
to supplyliefern
tech. to supplyspeisen
to supplyversorgen
to supplyzuliefern
econ. supplyAngebot {n}
supplyBeistellung {f}
supplyBelieferung {f}
supplyDargebot {n}
tech. supplyEinspeisung {f}
supplyLieferung {f}
electr. supplySpeisung {f}
supplyStellvertretung {f}
supplyVorrat {m}
tech. supplyZufuhr {f}
comm. supplyZulieferung {f}
re {prep}betreffend
comm. re {prep}betreffs
re- {prefix}Neu-
re- {prefix}neu-
re- {prefix}wieder-
chem. rhenium <Re>Rhenium {n} <Re>
spec. re-auditRe-Audit {n}
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