Dictionary English German: rake off

Translation 1 - 5 of 5

English German
NOUN   a rake-off | rake-offs
SYNO   rake-off | vigorish
to rake sth. off (sth.)etw.Akk. (von etw.Dat.) wegrechen
rake-off [coll.]Anteil {m}
comm. rake-off [coll.] [profit]Gewinn {m}
econ. to get a / one's rake-off of sth. [coll.] [to take a percentage from profits]an etw.Dat. mitschneiden [österr.] [meist pej.] [einen Anteil am Profit kassieren]
econ. to take a / one's rake-off of sth. [coll.] [to take a percentage from profits]an etw.Dat. mitschneiden [österr.] [meist pej.] [einen Anteil am Profit kassieren]
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