Dictionary English German: ragged

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ADJ   ragged | more ragged | most ragged
VERB  to rag | ragged | ragged ... 
ragged {adj} [clothes; child]
zerlumpt [Kleidung; Kind]
ragged {adj} [clothes]
zerfetzt [Kleidung]
ragged {adj} [faulty, not perfect]
dilettantisch [fehlerhaft]
ragged {adj} [shaggy, e.g. coat, beard, horse]
struppig [z. B. Fell, Bart, Pferd]
ragged {adj} [imperfect and faulty, e.g. piece of work]
stümperhaft [pej.] [z. B. Arbeit]
ragged {adj} [shaggy, e.g. coat, beard]
zottig [z. B. Fell, Bart]
ragged {adj} [jagged, e.g. rock, cliff]
zackig [zerklüftet, gezackt, z. B. Felsen, Klippe]
geogr. geol. ragged {adj} [coastline, rock face, etc.]
zerklüftet [Küste, Felswand etc.]
ragged {adj} [wild and neglected, e.g. garden]
verwildert [z. B. Garten]
ragged {adj} [unkempt, e.g. garden]
ungepflegt [z. B. Garten]
ragged {adj} [wild and neglected, e.g. garden]
vernachlässigt [z. B. Garten]
ragged {past-p} [coll.] [teased]
aufgezogen [ugs.] [gehänselt]
2 Words: Others
more ragged {adj}zerlumpter
most ragged {adj}zerlumpteste
2 Words: Verbs
print to be raggedflattern
to run sb. ragged [coll.]jdn. fertigmachen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
print ragged alignmentFlattersatz {m}
cloth. ragged clothes {pl}abgerissene Kleidung {f}
geogr. geol. ragged coastlinezerklüftete Küste {f}
ragged rocksschartige Felsen {pl}
educ. hist. ragged school [Br.] [obs.]Lumpenschule {f} [veraltet]
3 Words: Nouns
print ragged left alignment [flush right aligned]rechtsbündiger Flattersatz {m}
med. ragged red fiber <RRF>zottige rote Faser {f}
print ragged right alignment [flush left aligned]linksbündiger Flattersatz {m}
med. ragged-red fibers [Am.]Ragged-Red-Fasern {pl}
med. ragged-red fibres [Br.]Ragged-Red-Fasern {pl}
whitish ragged moss [Brachythecium albicans]Weißes Kurzbüchsenmoos {n}
4 Words: Others
to the ragged edge {adv} [idiom]auf der letzten Rille [ugs.] [Redewendung]
4 Words: Nouns
ragged piece of workfehlerhaftes Arbeitsstück {n}
print text with ragged alignment [alignment of text where the lines of text are allowed to end naturally]Text {m} mit frei auslaufenden Zeilen
5+ Words: Others
med. Type 6: Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool [Bristol Stool Chart / Scale]Typ 6: Einzelne weiche Klümpchen mit unregelmäßigem Rand [Bristol-Stuhlformen-Skala]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
fish T
fish T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
mycol. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
fish T
Sandhaie {pl}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
fish T
fish T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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