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| to question sth. [scrutinise, challenge] | 1349 etw.Akk. hinterfragen | |
| to question | 265 fragen | |
| to question sth. [doubt, contest] | 241 etw.Akk. anzweifeln | |
| to question sth. [doubt] | 138 etw.Akk. bezweifeln | |
| to question sb. [interview, interrogate] | 137 jdn. befragen | |
| law to question sb. [police etc.] | 131 jdn. verhören | |
| law to question sb. [police etc.] | 115 jdn. vernehmen [befragen] | |
| to question sth. [discuss] | 46 etw.Akk. erörtern | |
| to question sb. [quiz, pump] | 29 jdn. ausfragen | |
| law to question sb. | jdn. ins Verhör nehmen | |
| to question sth. [put up for debate] | etw.Akk. zur Debatte stellen [Redewendung] | |
| to question sth. [query, challenge] | etw.Akk. in Frage stellen [Redewendung] | |
| to question sth. [raise a doubt] | etw.Akk. in Zweifel ziehen | |
Nouns |
| question | 2097 Frage {f} <Fr.> | |
| question [problem, formulation of a question] | 45 Fragestellung {f} | |
| question [enquiry, query] | 42 Anfrage {f} | |
| question | 29 Problem {n} | |
| educ. question [problem] | 21 Aufgabe {f} [Problem, Frage] | |
| question [matter, problem] | 15 Sache {f} [Frage, Problem] | |
| comp. QM GQM [initialism for goal, question, metric] | Goal Question Metric [ohne Artikel] <GQM> | |
2 Words: Others |
| A question arises. | Eine Frage ergibt sich. | |
| A question arises. | Es stellt sich eine Frage. | |
| beyond question {adj} | unstrittig | |
| beyond question {adj} | unwiderlegbar | |
| beyond question {adj} | unzweifelhaft | |
| beyond question {adj} {adv} | zweifellos | |
| beyond question {adj} {adv} | außer Zweifel | |
| beyond question {adv} | ohne Frage | |
| beyond question {adj} {adv} | ohne Zweifel | |
| Good question! | Berechtigte Frage! | |
| in question {adj} [postpos.] | fraglich | |
| in question {adj} [postpos.] | betreffend | |
| in question {adj} [postpos.] | betroffen | |
| in question {adj} [postpos.] | in Frage kommend | |
| in question {adj} [postpos.] [(being) considered] | betreffend [attr.] | |
| in question {adj} [postpos.] [attr.] | besagt [attr.] | |
| in question {adj} [postpos.] [idiom] | in Rede stehend [bürokrat.] [Redewendung] | |
| in question {adj} [postpos.] [pertinent] | einschlägig | |
| question-based {adj} | fragenbasiert | |
| without question {adv} | fraglos | |
| without question {adv} | ohne Frage | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to answer sb.'s question | jds. Frage beantworten | |
| law to cross-question | ins Kreuzverhör nehmen | |
| to question indiscreetly | ausfratscheln [österr.] [ugs.] | |
| to question oneself | sich selbst in Frage stellen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| abrupt question | unvermittelte Frage {f} | |
| absurd question | absurde Frage {f} | |
| absurd question | lächerliche Frage {f} | |
| additional question | Zusatzfrage {f} | |
| admin. administrative question | Verwaltungsfrage {f} [Verwaltungsproblem] | |