Dictionary English German: purely

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
SYNO   purely | strictly
purely {adv}
purely {adv}
purely {adv}
2 Words
purely academic {adj}rein akademischer Natur [nachgestellt]
purely accidental {adj}rein zufällig
spec. purely antiparallel {adj} {adv}rein antiparallel
purely hypothetical {adj}rein hypothetisch
purely hypotheticalreine Hypothese [adjektivischer Gebrauch]
spec. purely parallel {adj} {adv}rein parallel
spec. purely parallel {adj} {adv}völlig parallel
math. purely transcendental {adj}reintranszendent
3 Words
It's purely business.Es ist rein geschäftlich.
purely by chance {adv}durch puren Zufall
to be purely arbitraryreine Willkür sein
purely hypothetical caserein hypothetischer Fall {m}
4 Words
by purely physical means {adv}auf rein physikalischem Wege
for purely humanitarian reasons {adv}aus reiner Menschenliebe
for purely mercenary reasons {adv}nur wegen des Geldes
It's purely coincidental that ...Es ist purer / reiner Zufall, dass ...
purely on a whim {adv}nur aus Spaß
purely to amuse peoplenur um Leute zu amüsieren
a purely personal mattereine ganz persönliche Angelegenheit {f}
5+ Words
law Everything rests purely on circumstantial evidence.Alles beruht nur auf Indizien.
from a (purely) scientific point of view {adv}aus (rein) wissenschaftlicher Sicht
idiom purely / plainly and simply becauseschlicht und einfach, weil
to be calculated in purely monetary termssich in blanker Münze rechnen
purely a matter of dutyeine reine Pflichtübung {f}
purely a matter of tastereine Geschmacksache {f}
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