Dictionary English German: protein

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NOUN1   a protein | proteins
NOUN2   protein | -
NOUN   das Protein | die Proteine
SYNO   Eiweiß | Polypeptid [fachspr.] ... 
biochem. FoodInd. protein
Eiweiß {n}
biochem. protein
Protein {n}
Eiweißstoff {m}
proteinEiweißkörper {m}
2 Words: Others
containing protein {adj} [postpos.]proteinhaltig
biochem. FoodInd. high-protein {adj}eiweißreich
biochem. FoodInd. high-protein {adj} [attr.]proteinreich
biochem. protein-bound {adj}proteineingebunden
biochem. biol. protein-bound {adj}proteingebunden
biol. protein-coding {adj} {pres-p}proteincodierend
biol. protein-coding {adj} {pres-p}proteinkodierend
biochem. gastr. protein-containing {adj}proteinhaltig
protein-rich {adj}eiweißreich
protein-rich {adj}proteinreich
FoodInd. protein-rich {adj}reich an Proteinen [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
biochem. abundant proteinabundantes Protein {n}
biochem. activator protein <AP>Aktivatorprotein {n} <AP>
biochem. adapter proteinAdapterprotein {n}
biochem. adherent proteinHaftprotein {n} [z. B. bei Getreide]
biochem. adhesion proteinAdhäsionsprotein {n}
med. adhesion proteinHaftprotein {n}
biochem. amyloid proteinAmyloidprotein {n} [auch: Amyloid-Protein]
biochem. FoodInd. animal proteintierisches Eiweiß {n}
biochem. antitermination proteinAntiterminationsprotein {n}
biochem. argonaute proteinArgonautenprotein {n}
biochem. bacterial proteinBakterieneiweiß {n}
biochem. bacterial proteinBakterienprotein {n}
biochem. biol. binding proteinBindeprotein {n}
biochem. binding proteinBindungsprotein {n}
biochem. blood proteinBluteiweiß {n}
biochem. blood proteinBlutprotein {n}
biochem. capsid proteinKapsidprotein {n}
biochem. cargo proteinFrachtprotein {n}
biochem. carrier proteinSchlepperprotein {n}
biochem. carrier proteinTrägerprotein {n}
biochem. carrier proteinTransportprotein {n}
biochem. carrier proteinCarrier-Protein {n}
biochem. centromere proteinCentromerprotein {n}
biochem. FoodInd. cereal proteinGetreideprotein {n}
biol. channel proteinKanalprotein {n}
biol. channel proteinTunnelprotein {n}
biochem. chimeric proteinchimäres Protein {n}
biochem. clock proteinUhrenprotein {n}
biochem. coating proteinHüllprotein {n}
biochem. complement proteinKomplementprotein {n}
biochem. compound proteinBindungsprotein {n}
biochem. compound proteinVerbindungsprotein {n}
biol. copper proteinKupferprotein {n}
biol. core proteinKernprotein {n}
agr. FoodInd. crude proteinRohprotein {n}
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