Dictionary English German: pre programming

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pre-programmingVorprogrammieren {n}
Partial Matches
relig. pre-conciliar / pre-Conciliar / preconciliar {adj} [before the Second Vatican Council]vorkonziliar [vor dem 2. Vatikanum]
ind. QM pre-process {adj}Pre-Prozess- [Prozessüberwachung]
spec. goal programmingGoal-Programming {n} [Zielprogrammierung]
educ. pre-kindergarten <pre-K> [children 0-4 years old]Krippe {f} [Kinder 0-3 Jahre]
QM pre-control chartPre-Control-Karte {f} [auch: Pre-Control-Regelkarte]
QM pre-mortem analysis [also: premortem analysis]Pre-mortem-Analyse {f} [auch: Premortem-Analyse]
econ. pre-ins [late Maastricht entrants]Pre-Ins {pl} [Maastricht-Nachzügler]
med. pre-type 2 diabetes (mellitus) <pT2D, pre-T2DM>Prä-Typ-2-Diabetes (mellitus) {m}
comp. electr. programming {adj}Programmier-
programming {adj} {pres-p}programmierend
programmingProgrammgestaltung {f}
comp. programmingProgrammieren {n}
comp. programmingProgrammiertätigkeit {f}
programmingProgrammierung {f}
comp. tech. programming {sg}Programmierungen {pl}
comp. application programmingAnwendungsprogrammierung {f}
comp. computer programmingComputerprogrammierung {f}
comp. constraint programmingConstraintprogrammierung {f}
comp. database programmingDatenbankprogrammierung {f}
double programmingZweiprogrammverarbeitung {f}
comp. extreme programmingExtremprogrammierung {f}
acad. comp. logic programmingLogikprogrammierung {f}
comp. macro programmingMakroprogrammierung {f}
mask programmingMaskenprogrammierung {f}
multi-programmingMehrprogrammbetrieb {m}
tech. programming adapterProgrammieradapter {m}
comp. programming buttonProgrammiertaste {f}
electr. games tech. programming cardProgrammierkarte {f}
comp. programming codeProgrammiercode {m}
electr. programming connectorProgrammierstecker {m}
programming costsProgrammierkosten {pl}
educ. programming courseProgrammierkurs {m}
tech. programming deviceProgrammiergerät {n}
programming effortProgrammieraufwand {m}
comp. programming environmentProgrammierumgebung {f}
comp. programming errorProgrammierfehler {m}
comp. programming expenditureProgrammieraufwand {m}
comp. programming flowchartProgrammablaufplan {m}
comp. programming flowchartProgrammflussdiagramm {n}
comp. programming gameProgrammierspiel {n}
comp. programming guidelineProgrammierrichtlinie {f}
comp. programming handbookProgrammierhandbuch {n}
programming instructionProgrammieranweisung {f}
comp. programming keyProgrammiertaste {f}
comp. programming languagesProgrammiersprachen {pl}
comp. programming libraryProgrammierbibliothek {f}
comp. programming manualProgrammierhandbuch {n}
comp. programming methodProgrammiermethode {f}
comp. programming methodProgrammierungsmethode {f}
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