Dictionary English German: practice of medicine

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SYNO   medicine | practice of medicine
med. practice {sg} of medicineärztliche Tätigkeiten {pl}
Partial Matches
license to practice medicine [Am.](ärztliche) Approbation {f}
pharm. over-the-counter medicine <OTC medicine> [non-prescription medicine]nicht verschreibungspflichtiges Medikament {n}
med. doctor of medicineDoktor {m} der Medizin
med. Doctor of MedicineDoktor {m} der Medizin <Dr. med.>
hist. med. pharm. history of medicineGeschichte {f} der Medizin
hist. med. history of medicineMedizingeschichte {f}
med. medicine of Hippocrateshippokratische Medizin {f}
relig. spec. medicine of immortalityUnsterblichkeitsarznei {f}
med. philos. philosophy of medicineMedizinphilosophie {f}
med. philosophy of medicineMedizintheorie {n}
med. philosophy of medicinePhilosophie {f} der Medizin [seltener für: Medizintheorie, Theorie der Medizin]
med. philosophy of medicineTheorie {f} der Medizin
price of medicineArzneipreis {m}
acad. jobs med. professor of medicineMedizinprofessor {m}
hist. school of medicineÄrzteschule {f} [veraltet]
educ. med. student of medicineMedizinstudent {m}
educ. med. student of medicineStudent {m} der Medizin
educ. students of medicineMedizinstudenten {pl}
educ. med. study of medicinemedizinisches Studium {n}
educ. study of medicineMedizinstudium {n}
med. of conventional medicine {adj} [postpos.]schulmedizinisch
educ. Bachelor of Medicine <BM>Bakkalaureus {m} der Medizin
med. chief of medicine [Am.]Chefarzt {m}
acad. jobs med. professor of medicine [female]Medizinprofessorin {f}
educ. med. student of medicine [female]Medizinstudentin {f}
educ. med. student of medicine [female]Studentin {f} der Medizin
educ. students of medicine [female]Medizinstudentinnen {pl}
hist. med. Brunonian system (of medicine)Brownianismus {m}
med. pharm. discontinuation of a medicineAbsetzen {n} eines Medikaments
law med. Institute of Forensic MedicineInstitut {n} für Rechtsmedizin
law med. Institute of Legal MedicineInstitut {n} für Rechtsmedizin
med. pharm. prescription of a medicineVerordnung {f} eines Arzneimittels [Verschreibung]
pharm. stiff dose of medicinestarke Dosis {f} Medizin
med. the department of medicinedie medizinische Fakultät {f} [heilkundlich]
med. the field of medicinedas medizinische Gebiet {n}
med. the school of medicinedie medizinische Fakultät {f} [heilkundlich]
out of practice {adv}aus der Übung
out of practiceungeübt [Mensch]
area of practicePraxisfeld {n}
code of practiceLeitfaden {m}
Code of PracticeVerhaltenskodex {m}
codes of practiceVerhaltensvorschriften {pl}
community of practiceWissensgemeinschaft {f}
matter of practiceÜbungssache {f}
mode of practiceArbeitsweise {f}
practice of bankinggewohnte Verfahrensweise {f} bei Banken
relig. practice of baptismTaufpraxis {f}
relig. practice of confessionBeichtpraxis {f}
relig. practice of faithGlaubenspraxis {f}
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