| English | German | |
| – |
| to pound | 1036 hämmern | |
| to pound | 350 pochen | |
| to pound | 267 zertrümmern | |
| to pound | 262 trommeln [Herz, Ohren] | |
| to pound sth. [pestle] | 133 etw.Akk. zerstoßen [z. B. in einem Mörser] | |
| to pound | 132 zerstampfen | |
| to pound | 113 stoßen [zerstoßen] | |
| hydro. to pound [waves] | 74 schlagen [Wellen] | |
| to pound sb. [archaic] [imprison] | 25 jdn. einschließen [gefangen halten] | |
| to pound | (mehrmals) schlagen | |
Nouns |
| curr. pound <£, ₤> | 1219 Pfund {n} <£, ₤> | |
| unit pound <lb.> | 382 Pfund {n} <lb.> [0,45 kg] | |
| pound [enclosure for stray animals] | 196 Tierheim {n} | |
| pound <#> [Am.] [Can.] | 83 Raute {f} <#> | |
| admin. pound [for towed vehicles] | 58 Verwahrstelle {f} | |
| pound | 41 Abstellplatz {m} [für Autos etc.] | |
| pound [for animals] | 29 Tierasyl {n} | |
| phys. unit pound <lb> [short for: pound-force] | 17 [anglo-amerikanische Maßeinheit für Kräfte; ca. 4,448 N] | |
| geogr. pound [Aus.] | synklinales Becken {n} | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to pound heavily [heart] | heftig schlagen [Herz] | |
| gastr. to pound meat | Fleisch klopfen | |
| to pound out sth. | etw. heraushämmern [Text, Musik auf der Tastatur] | |
| to pound out sth. [coll.] [on a piano, keyboard, etc.] | etw.Akk. in die Tasten hauen [ugs.] [Klavier, Schreibmaschine usw.] | |
| to pound sth. into sb. [fig.] [teaching material] | jdm. etw.Akk. einpauken [Lehrstoff] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| hydro. naut. (canal) pound | Kanalhaltung {f} [nach DIN 4054] | |
| unit avoirdupois pound | Avoirdupois-Pfund {n} [0,45359237 kg] | |
| curr. British pound <GBP, £> | Britisches Pfund {n} <GBP, £> | |
| curr. hist. customs' pound [German Customs Union] | Zollpfund {n} [Deutscher Zollverein] | |
| curr. Cypriot pound <CYP, C£> | Zypern-Pfund {n} <CYP, C£> | |
| curr. Cyprus pound <CYP, C£> | Zypern-Pfund {n} <CYP, C£> | |
| dog pound | Hundeasyl {n} | |
| dog pound | Tierheim {n} [für Hunde] | |
| dog pound | städtischer Hundezwinger {m} | |
| curr. Egyptian pound <EGP, LE, £E> | Ägyptisches Pfund {n} <EGP, LE, £E> | |
| phys. unit foot-pound <ft-lb> [foot-pound force] | [angloamerikanische Maßeinheit der Arbeit oder Energie; ca. 1,355 J] | |
| forward pound | Terminpfund {n} | |
| unit German pound [500 grams] | Pfund {n} <Pfd.> | |
| curr. Gibraltar pound <GIP, Gib£> | Gibraltar-Pfund {n} <GIP, Gib£> | |
| curr. Lebanese pound <LBP, L£> | Libanesisches Pfund {n} <LBP, L£> | |
| pink pound [Br.] [coll.] | [Kaufkraft {f} bei Homosexuellen] | |
| telecom. pound (key) [Am.] [Can.] <# key, #> [e.g. #77, read as "pound seven seven"] | Rautentaste {f} <#-Taste, #> [Telefon] | |
| gastr. pound cake | Eischwerkuchen {m} | |
| gastr. pound cake | Gleichschwer {m} | |
| gastr. pound cake | Pfundkuchen {m} | |
| gastr. pound cake | Rührteigkuchen {m} [Ei-Schwer-Kuchen] | |
| gastr. pound cake | Sandkuchen {m} | |
| gastr. pound cake [British style] [Madeira cake] | Rührkuchen {m} | |
| comp. pound key [Am.] [Can.] [hash key] | Rautetaste {f} [zuweilen auch Rautentaste] | |
| hydro. naut. pound lock | Kammerschleuse {f} | |
| pound shop [Br.] | 1-Euro-Discounter {m} | |