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| – |
 | policy {adj} | 14 programmatisch |  |
Nouns |
 | policy [set of rules, regulations] | 2238 Regelwerk {n} |  |
 | policy [principle] | 1196 Grundsatz {m} |  |
 | policy | 956 Strategie {f} |  |
 | policy [directive, guideline] | 839 Richtlinie {f} |  |
 | policy [overall plan] | 294 Politik {f} [Gesamtkonzept] |  |
 | insur. policy | 239 Police {f} |  |
 | policy {sg} [set of rules, regulations] | 212 Regeln {pl} |  |
 | policy | 203 Methode {f} |  |
 | insur. policy | 143 Versicherungspolice {f} |  |
 | policy [method] | 127 Verfahrensweise {f} |  |
 | policy [tactics] | 123 Taktik {f} |  |
 | policy [rule] | 110 Bestimmung {f} [Grundsatz, Regel] |  |
 | insur. policy | 93 Versicherungsschein {m} |  |
 | policy [set of guidelines] | 93 Leitbild {n} |  |
 | law policy | 65 Gesetzeszweck {m} |  |
 | policy [course, direction] | 58 Kurs {m} [fig.] |  |
 | policy [archaic] [decency] | 37 Anstand {m} |  |
 | policy [plan] | 35 Programm {n} [geplante Vorgehensweise] |  |
 | pol. policy [plan, programme] | 34 Konzept {n} [in politischen Kontexten] |  |
 | insur. policy | 15 Versicherungspolizze {f} [österr.] |  |
 | policy [archaic] [prudence in managing one's affairs] | 14 Klugheit {f} [beim Bewältigen der eigenen Angelegenheiten] |  |
 | pol. policy | politische Linie {f} |  |
 | pol. policy | (eine bestimmte) Politik {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | econ. pol. consumer policy {adj} [attr.] | verbraucherpolitisch |  |
 | art pol. cultural policy {adj} [attr.] [decision, profile, measures, etc.] | kulturpolitisch |  |
 | econ. pol. economic policy {adj} [attr.] | konjunkturpolitisch |  |
 | pol. foreign-policy {adj} [attr.] | außenpolitisch |  |
 | law pol. legal policy {adj} [attr.] | rechtspolitisch |  |
 | econ. fin. pol. monetary policy {adj} [attr.] [instruments, analysis, rules, etc.] | geldpolitisch |  |
 | pol. policy-oriented {adj} | politikorientiert |  |
 | pol. policy-relevant {adj} | politikrelevant |  |
 | security policy {adj} [attr.] | sicherheitspolitisch |  |
 | educ. pol. university policy {adj} [attr.] | universitätspolitisch |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | pol. to shape policy | Politik gestalten |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | insur. (insurance) policy | Polizze {f} [österr.] |  |
 | insur. (insurance) policy | Versicherungspolizze {f} [österr.] |  |
 | insur. accident policy | Unfallpolice {f} |  |
 | insur. accident policy | Unfallversicherungspolice {f} |  |
 | acc. accounting policy | Bilanzierungspolitik {f} |  |
 | acc. accounting policy {sg} | Bilanzierungs- und Bewertungsmethoden {pl} |  |
 | comm. mil. acquisition policy | Beschaffungspolitik {f} |  |
 | acquisition policy | Erwerbungspolitik {f} |  |
 | acquisition policy | Übernahmepolitik {f} |  |
 | insur. additional policy | Nachtragspolice {f} |  |
 | adjustment policy | Strukturpolitik {f} |  |
 | admin. pol. administrative policy | Verwaltungspolitik {f} |  |
 | educ. admissions policy | Zulassungspolitik {f} [auch: Zulassungs-Politik] |  |
 | advertising policy | Werbepolitik {f} |  |
 | aggressive policy | aggressive Politik {f} |  |