Dictionary English German: polar

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ADJ   polar | - | -
SYNO   pivotal | polar | diametric ... 
ADJ  polar | - | - ... 
polar {adj}
polar {adj}
2 Words: Others
non-polar {adj}außerpolar
chem. polar modified {adj}polar modifiziert
geogr. sub-polar {adj}subpolar
2 Words: Nouns
(polar) wasteEinöde {f}
(polar) waste(polare) Wildnis {f}
drag polarPolare {f} [Flugmechanik]
meteo. polar airPolarluft {f}
astron. polar alignmentPolausrichtung {f}
ecol. meteo. polar amplification <PA>polare Verstärkung {f}
astron. math. phys. polar anglePolarwinkel {m}
archaeo. jobs polar archeologist [female] [Am.]Polararchäologin {f}
geogr. polar areaPolgebiet {n}
geogr. polar axisPolachse {f}
biol. polar bodiesPolkörper {pl}
biol. polar bodiesPolkörperchen {pl}
biol. polar bodiesRichtungskörper {pl}
biol. polar bodiesRichtungskörperchen {pl}
biol. polar bodyPolkörper {m}
biol. polar bodyPolkörperchen {n}
biol. polar bodyRichtungskörper {m}
biol. polar bodyRichtungskörperchen {n}
geogr. polar capPolarkappe {f}
geogr. polar capPolkappe {f}
geogr. polar circlePolarkreis {m}
math. polar coordinateKreiskoordinate {f} [Polarkoordinate]
math. polar coordinatePolarkoordinate {f}
math. polar coordinatesPolarkoordinaten {pl}
meteo. polar cyclonePolarwirbel {m}
polar dayPolartag {m}
polar diagramPolardiagramm {n}
watches polar dialpolare Sonnenuhr {f}
polar diameterPolardurchmesser {m}
polar diameterPoldurchmesser {m}
geogr. geol. polar driftPolwanderung {f}
acad. polar ecologyPolarökologie {f}
math. polar equationPolargleichung {f}
polar expeditionPolarexpedition {f}
acad. travel polar expeditionPolarforschungsreise {f}
jobs polar explorerPolarforscher {m}
acad. geogr. polar explorer [female]Polarforscherin {f}
biochem. polar fibrilPolarfibrille {f}
biochem. polar fibrilPolfaser {f}
fish polar fishPolarfisch {m}
meteo. polar frontPolarfront {f}
geogr. geol. polar glacierPolargletscher {m}
math. polar gridPolargitter {n}
polar gridPolarnetz {n}
chem. polar headgrouppolare Kopfgruppe {f}
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