Dictionary English German: pointy

Translation 1 - 12 of 12

English German
ADJ   pointy | pointier | pointiest
pointy {adj}
spitzig [veraltet] [in der Botanik noch gebräuchlich: Blätter etc.]
pointy {adj} [coll.]spitz (zulaufend)
2 Words
pointy-eared {adj}spitzohrig
pointy-headed {adj} [coll.] [pej.]oberschlau [ugs.] [ironisch oder pej.] [nur vermeintlich besonders schlau]
pointy-headed {adj} [pej.] [coll.]eierköpfig [ugs.] [fig.] [abgehoben, eingebildet]
pointy-headed {adj} [pej.] [coll.]superschlau [ugs.] [pej.]
print pointy bracketspitze Klammer {f}
pointy ear [person or dog with a pointy ear, or the ear itself] [esp. referring to Vulcans in Star Trek]Spitzohr {n}
pointy-head [often pej.] [sl.]Intelligenzbestie {f} [oft pej.] [ugs.]
pointy-heads [coll.]Eierköpfe {pl} [ugs.]
3 Words
tools pointy-nose pliers {pl} [one pair]Spitzzange {f}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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