Dictionary English German: placental

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
ADJ   placental | - | -
NOUN   a placental | placentals
SYNO   eutherian | eutherian mammal ... 
med. placental {adj}
med. placental {adj}plazentar
2 Words: Nouns
med. placental abruptionvorzeitige Plazentalösung {f}
med. placental barrierPlazentabarriere {f}
med. placental barrierPlazentarschranke {f}
med. placental barrierPlazentaschranke {f}
bot. placental bundlePlazentarbündel {n}
anat. med. placental diameterPlazentadurchmesser {m}
anat. zool. placental growthPlazentawachstum {n}
biochem. placental hormonePlazentahormon {n}
chem. placental hormonesPlazentahormone {pl}
med. placental infarctPlazentainfarkt {m}
med. placental insufficiencyPlazentainsuffizienz {f}
med. placental localizationPlazentalokalisation {f}
anat. placental morphologyPlazentamorphologie {f}
anat. placental physiologyPlazentaphysiologie {f}
biol. placental remnantsPlazentareste {pl}
med. placental retentionPlazentaretention {f}
med. placental separationPlazentalösung {f}
anat. placental tissuePlazentagewebe {n}
3 Words: Nouns
med. accessory placental lobeakzessorischer plazentärer Lappen {m}
biol. human placental lactogen <hPL>humanes Plazentalaktogen {n} <HPL>
med. manual placental separationmanuelle Plazentalösung {f}
biol. placental growth factor <PGF, PlGF>Plazenta-Wachstumsfaktor {m} <PGF, PlGF>
med. premature placental separationvorzeitige Plazentalösung {f}
4 Words: Nouns
med. anomaly of placental separationPlazentalösungsstörung {f}
med. intrauterine placental thickness measurementintrauterine Plazentadickenmessung {f}
5+ Words: Verbs
med. to be able to pass the placental barrier [e.g. medications]plazentagängig sein [z. B. Medikamente]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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