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| – |
 | to place | 1253 stellen |  |
 | to place | 875 legen |  |
 | to place sth. | 743 etw.Akk. platzieren |  |
 | to place | 362 zuordnen |  |
 | to place sth. | 340 etw.Akk. plazieren [alt] [platzieren] |  |
 | to place sth. | 309 etw.Akk. placieren [alt] [platzieren] |  |
 | to place | 184 fügen [einfügen, aneinander fügen] |  |
 | to place sth. [advert etc.] | 166 etw. aufgeben [Anzeige, Bestellung] |  |
 | to place sb./sth. [e.g. children with foster parents; redundant workers into employment; dogs, cats, etc. with a family] | 124 jdn./etw. vermitteln [z. B. Kinder zu Pflegeeltern; Arbeitslosen eine Stelle; Hunde, Katzen etc. in eine Familie] |  |
 | to place | 108 setzen |  |
 | journ. market. to place sth. [an advert] | 58 etw.Akk. schalten [ein Inserat, eine Anzeige] |  |
 | to place sb. | 34 jdn. unterbringen |  |
 | to place | 24 deponieren |  |
 | to place sb. | 18 jdn. plazieren [alt] |  |
 | to place sb. [appoint] | 8 jdn. ernennen |  |
 | to place sth. | 8 etw.Akk. einstellen [positionieren] |  |
 | to place | Arbeitskräfte vermitteln |  |
 | jobs to place sb. | jdm. eine Stelle vermitteln |  |
 | to place sb. | jdm. eine Stelle verschaffen |  |
 | to place sb. [appoint] | jdn. in ein Amt einsetzen |  |
 | to place sth. | etw.Akk. verorten [einen festen Platz in einem bestimmten Bezugssystem zuweisen] |  |
Nouns |
 | place | 2362 Ort {m} |  |
 | place | 1372 Stelle {f} |  |
 | place | 218 Stätte {f} |  |
 | place | 156 Sitz {m} |  |
 | place <Pl.> | 113 Platz {m} <Pl.> |  |
 | place [coll.] [sb.'s house, flat] | 33 Wohnung {f} |  |
 | place [village or small town] | 28 Ortschaft {f} |  |
 | place [wrong, right, same etc.] | 19 Fleck {m} [am richtigen, falschen, selben etc.] |  |
 | place | 10 Platzierung {f} |  |
 | place [locality] | 7 Örtlichkeit {f} |  |
 | place [position, role] | 7 Stellung {f} |  |
 | spec. place | Locus {m} |  |
 | place | Plazierung {f} [alt] |  |
 | place [position in hierarchy] | Rang {m} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | any place {adv} [esp. Am.] [coll.] | irgendwo |  |
 | any place {adv} [go] [esp. Am.] [coll.] | irgendwohin |  |
 | common-place {adj} [spv.] [rare] [commonplace] | gebräuchlich |  |
 | common-place {adj} [spv.] [rare] [commonplace] | gewöhnlich |  |
 | common-place {adj} [spv.] [rare] [commonplace] | üblich |  |
 | math. eight-place {adj} [attr.] [e.g. decimal number] | achtstellig [z. B. Dezimalzahl] |  |
 | math. five-place {adj} [attr.] [e.g. decimal number] | fünfstellig [z. B. Dezimalzahl] |  |
 | math. four-place {adj} [attr.] [e.g. decimal number] | vierstellig [z. B. Dezimalzahl] |  |
 | in place {adv} | gegenwärtig [vorhanden] |  |
 | in place {adj} | vorhanden |  |
 | in place {adv} | an Ort und Stelle |  |
 | in place {adv} [orderly] | am Platz [ordentlich] |  |
 | math. nine-place {adj} [attr.] [e.g. decimal number] | neunstellig [z. B. Dezimalzahl] |  |
 | math. one-place {adj} [attr.] | einstellig [eingliedrig] |  |
 | place bound {adj} | ortsgebunden |  |