Dictionary English German: percent

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
NOUN   a percent | percent/percents
SYNO   pct | per centum | percent ... 
percent {adj} <%> [Am.] [e.g. five percent, 5 percent, or 5%]
-prozentig <%ig> [z. B. fünfprozentig, 5-prozentig oder 5%ig]
percent <%, p/c, pc., p.c.> [Am.]
Prozent {n} <%>
percent [Am.]
Perzent {n} [österr.] [veraltet]
2 Words: Others
100 percent {adj} {adv} [Am.] [completely, entirely]100prozentig [alt] [100-prozentig, 100%ig]
100 percent [Am.] [completely, entirely]hundertprozentig <100-prozentig, 100%ig>
2 Words: Nouns
atomic percent [Am.]Atomprozent {n}
chem. mass percentMassenprozent {n}
acad. chem. mole percentMolprozent {n}
one percent [Am.] <1%>ein Hundertstel {n} <1/100>
comp. electr. percent key [Am.]Prozenttaste {f}
percent point [also: percentage point]Prozentpunkt {m}
econ. math. percent rangeProzentbereich {m}
print percent sign <%> [Am.]Prozentzeichen {n} <%>
print percent symbol <%> [Am.]Prozentzeichen {n} <%>
some [around] ... percentrund [circa] ... Prozent {n}
unit volume percent [Am.]Volumenprozent {n} <Vol.-%> [auch Abk.: % vol, % v/v]
unit volume percent [Am.]Volumprozent {n} <Vol.-%> [auch Abk.: % vol, % v/v]
unit volume percent [Am.]Volumsprozent {n} <Vol.-%> [österr.] [auch Abk.: % vol, % v/v]
3 Words: Others
(a) hundred percent {adj} {adv} [Am.]hundertprozentig
of two percent {adj} [postpos.] [Am.]zweiprozentig
one hundred percent {adj} {adv} [Am.]einhundertprozentig [seltener] [hundertprozentig]
one-hundred percent {adj} {adv} [Am.]hundertprozentig
3 Words: Nouns
10 percent mark [also: 10-percent mark]10-Prozent-Marke {f}
pol. 5-percent clause <5-% clause>5-Prozent-Klausel {f} <5 %-Klausel>
pol. 5-percent hurdle <5-% hurdle>5-Prozent-Hürde {f} <5 %-Hürde> [ugs.]
econ. law pol. 5-percent rule <5-% rule>5-Prozent-Regel {f} <5 %-Regel>
pol. five percent clause [Am.]Fünfprozentklausel {f}
econ. law pol. five percent rule [Am.]Fünfprozentregel {f}
pol. five-percent hurdleFünfprozenthürde {f} [ugs.]
pol. five-percent thresholdFünfprozenthürde {f} [ugs.]
percent by massMasseprozent {n} <%-M.>
unit percent by volume [Am.]Volumenprozent {n} < % Vol., %vol, Vol.-% >
percent by weightGewichtsprozent {n}
4 Words: Others
comm. at ten percent discount {adv}mit 10 % Nachlass
back to 100 percent [coll.]wieder voll da [ugs.]
4 Words: Verbs
to dwindle to 30 percent [Am.]auf 30 Prozent zusammenschrumpfen
to participate fifty percent in sth.zu fünfzig Prozent an etw.Dat. beteiligt sein
to participate fifty percent in sth.zur Hälfte an etw.Dat. beteiligt sein
to raise by 5 percent [Am.]um 5 Prozent erhöhen
4 Words: Nouns
50 percent mark up [Am.]50 Prozent Aufschlag {m}
commission of two percent [Am.]Provision {f} von zwei Prozent
5+ Words: Others
0.4 percent by weight of lead0,4 Gewichtsprozent Blei
sports a / one hundred percent fit {adj}voll einsatzfähig [Sportler]
comm. at a 4 percent discount {adv} [Am.]mit 4 Prozent Rabatt
Exports account for ... percent of sales.Der Exportanteil am Umsatz beträgt ... Prozent.
owning more than 50 percentin Mehrheitsbesitz
to more than 60 percent {adv} [Am.]zu mehr als 60 Prozent
5+ Words: Verbs
to account for less than 40 percent [Am.]weniger als 40 Prozent ausmachen
5+ Words: Nouns
gastr. 12 percent alcohol {sg} by volume <12% AbV>12 Volumenprozent {pl} <12 Vol.-%>
fin. one-tenth of a percentPromille {n}
cloth. pants {pl} made of fifty-percent linen [one pair] [Am.]Halbleinenhose {f}
ten percent cut {sg} in wages10 Prozent {pl} Lohnkürzung
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