Dictionary English German: per annum

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SYNO   annually | each year | p.a. ... 
SYNO   alljährlich | annual | jedes Jahr ... 
econ. fin. per annum {adv} <p.a.>per annum <p. a.>
econ. fin. per annum {adv} <p.a.>pro Jahr
econ. fin. per annum {adv} <p.a.>jährlich <jhrl.> [pro Jahr]
unit million tons per annum <MTPA>Millionen Tonnen {pl} jährlich
unit million tons per annum <MTPA>Millionen Tonnen {pl} pro Jahr
40 million tons (of X) per annum40 Millionen Tonnen {pl} (X) pro Jahr
Partial Matches
law per pro {prep} [on behalf of another]per Prokura
to sign per procurationper Prokura zeichnen
to sign per procurationemper Prokura zeichnen
cycle per secondUmdrehung {f} per Sekunde
naut. per inland waterway vessel {adv}per Binnenschiff
per procuration {adv}per Prokura
per proxy {adv}per Prokura
per pro / proc {prep} <p.p.>per Prokura <pp., ppa.>
mus. circular canon per tonos [modulating]Zirkelkanon {m} per tonos [modulierend]
comm. per procurationem <p.p.>per Prokura <pp., ppa.>
per {prep}per [+Dat.]
law coitus per anumKoitus {m} per anum
med. pharm. per os {adv} {adj} <P.O., p.o.> [oral administration]per os [durch den Mund]
per se {adv}per se [geh.]
market. cost per mille <CPM, cost ‰>Cost-per-Mille {f} <CPM>
per {prep}à
per {prep}durch
per {prep}für
accidentally {adv}per Zufall
definitionally {adv}per Definition
manually {adv}per Hand
as per {prep}nach
as perwie
law per curiam {adj} {adv}gerichtlich
per se {adv}schlechthin
per se {adv}schlichtweg
per diemTagespauschale {f}
per diemTagesspesen {pl}
per millePromille {n}
comp. computerized {adj} {past-p}per Computer erstellt
definitionally {adv}per definitionem [geh.]
invitational {adj}per Einladung [nachgestellt]
manual {adj}per Hand [nachgestellt]
posted {adj} {past-p}per Post gesandt
to courierper Kurier schicken
as per {prep}gemäß [+Dat.]
by airmail {adv}per Luftpost
by cable {adv}per Kabel
by car {adv}per Auto
law by decree {adv}per Dekret
by definition {adv}per definitionem
by express {adv}per Eilbote
by express {adv}per Eilboten
by ferry {adv}per Fähre
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