Dictionary English German: over current

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SEE ALSO  overcurrent
over-current {adj}Überstrom-
electr. definite time overcurrent / over-current protectionunabhängiger Überstromzeitschutz {m}
electr. inverse time overcurrent / over-current protectionabhängiger Überstromzeitschutz {m}
Partial Matches
MedTech. phys. telecom. radio frequency current <RF current>Hochfrequenzstrom {m} <HF-Strom>
Internet publ. current awareness service <CAS>Current-Awareness-Dienst {m}
sports over [cricket]Over {n} [Anzahl von 6 Würfen]
med. over-and-over sutureKnopfnaht {f}
audio electr. current dumping amplifierCurrent-Dumping-Verstärker {m}
sit-over benchSit-over-Bank {f} [Personalschleuse für Rein(st)räume]
RadioTV F Do OverDo OverZurück in die 80er
carry-over effectCarry-over-Effekt {m}
med. pharm. cross-over studyCross-over-Studie {f}
roll over creditsRoll-over-Kredite {pl}
fin. roll-over creditRoll-over-Kredit {m}
biol. med. unequal crossing overungleiches Crossing-Over {n}
RadioTV F Over ThereOver ThereKommando Irak
film F Bullets Over Broadway [Woody Allen]Bullets Over Broadway
film F Over the Top [Menahem Golan]Over the Top
econ. over-engineering / over engineeringOverengineering {n}
current {adj}aktuell
current {adj}derzeitig
current {adj}geläufig
current {adj}heutig
current {adj}momentan
current {adj}vorliegend
currentLauf {m}
current {adj}augenblicklich [gegenwärtig]
current {adj}nunmehrig [geh.]
electr. phys. current [amount]Stromstärke {f}
electr. current-carrying {adj}stromführend
electr. current-compensated {adj}stromkompensiert
electr. current-controlled {adj}stromgeregelt
electr. tech. current-controlled {adj}stromgesteuert
electr. current-dependent {adj}stromabhängig
electr. current-fed {adj}stromgespeist
electr. current-limited {adj}strombegrenzt
account currentKontokorrent {n}
fin. accounts currentKontoauszug {m}
med. action currentAktionsstrom {m}
electr. active currentWirkstrom {m}
electr. actuating currentBetätigungsstrom {m}
geogr. naut. Agulhas CurrentAgulhasstrom {m}
air currentLuftstrom {m}
meteo. air currentLuftströmung {f}
electr. anode currentAnodenstrom {m}
electr. apparent currentScheinstrom {m}
electr. armature currentAnkerstrom {m}
electr. auxiliary currentHilfsstrom {m}
electr. average currentDurchschnittsstrom {m}
geogr. naut. Azores CurrentAzorenstrom {m}
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