Dictionary English German: out of pocket

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out of pocketaus der Tasche
out-of-pocket expensesAuslagen {pl} [Ausgaben]
to be out of pocket [Br.] [coll.]draufzahlen [ugs.]
insur. out-of-pocket payment [health insurance]Zuzahlung {f} [Krankenversicherung]
out of pocket {adj} [coll.] [absent, unavailable]nicht zu erreichen [kontaktieren]
to be out of pocket [coll.]drauflegen [ugs.] [dazuzahlen, zusätzlich zahlen]
acc. out-of-pocket expenses [relating to one's employment or business]Spesen {pl}
to pay out of one's own pocketaus der eigenen Tasche zahlen
I was ... out of pocket. [Br.] [coll.]Ich habe ... aus eigener Tasche bezahlt.
to fish sth. out of one's pocketetw.Akk. aus der Tasche fingern
econ. to pay for sth. out of one's own pocket [coll.]etw. aus eigener Tasche bezahlen
to be out of pocket [to have lost money]kein Geld mehr haben [verschuldet sein, Verluste geschrieben haben]
econ. to pay the bill out of one's own pocket [coll.]die Rechnung aus eigener Tasche begleichen
to take one's wallet out of one's pocketseine Brieftasche aus der Tasche ziehen
Partial Matches
to whip sth. out one's pocketetw.Akk. blitzschnell aus der Tasche ziehen [ugs.]
pocket of affluenceWohlstandsinsel {f}
FireResc pocket of embersGlutnest {n}
pocket of landAreal {n}
mil. pocket of resistanceWiderstandsnest {n}
case of pocket-pickingTaschendiebstahl {m}
QM out-of-specification result <OOS result>Out-of-Spec-Resultat {n} [OOS-Ergebnis]
anat. publ. pocket atlas of cross-sectional anatomyTaschenatlas {m} der Schnittbildanatomie
film F Out of Rosenheim - Bagdad CafeOut of Rosenheim [Percy Adlon]
geol. pocket of oreButzen {m} [selbständige Masse eines best. Minerals im Gestein]
lit. F A Pocket Full of Rye [Agatha Christie]Das Geheimnis der Goldmine
biochem. pocket protein familyPocket-Protein-Familie {f}
RadioTV F Out of PracticeOut of PracticeDoktor, Single sucht...
acad. "Out of Africa" theoryOut-of-Africa-Theorie {f}
film F Out of Sight [Steven Soderbergh]Out of Sight
geol. pocketEinschluss {m}
pocketGeldbeutel {m}
mil. pocketKessel {m}
cloth. (trouser) pocketHosentasche {f}
air pocketAtemhöhle {f}
air pocketLuftblase {f}
aviat. air pocketLuftloch {n}
ammunition pocketMunitionstasche {f}
ammunition pocketPatronentasche {f}
cloth. apron pocketSchürzentasche {f}
cloth. back pocketGesäßtasche {f}
backpack pocketRucksacktasche {f}
naut. batten pocketLattentasche {f}
cloth. bellows pocketBlasebalgtasche {f}
cloth. breast pocketBrusttasche {f}
cloth. breast pocketHemdentasche {f}
cloth. breast-pocketBlusentasche {f}
cloth. coat pocketManteltasche {f}
cloth. coat pocketRocktasche {f}
cloth. coat-pocketManteltasche {f}
constr. concrete pocketBetonnest {n}
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