Dictionary English German: orthostatic

Translation 1 - 9 of 9

English German
ADJ   orthostatic | more orthostatic | most orthostatic
med. orthostatic {adj}orthostatisch
2 Words
med. orthostatic dysregulation <OD>orthostatische Dysregulation {f} <OD>
med. orthostatic hypotension <OH>orthostatische Hypotension {f} <OH>
med. orthostatic proteinuria <OP>orthostatische Proteinurie {f}
archaeo. art orthostatic reliefsOrthostatenreliefs {pl}
med. orthostatic syndromeOrthostasesyndrom {n}
med. orthostatic tremor [movement disorder]Gummibeine {pl} [ugs.] [orthostatischer Tremor] [Gangstörung]
med. orthostatic tremor <OT>orthostatischer Tremor {m} <OT>
3 Words
med. primary orthostatic tremor <POT>primärer orthostatischer Tremor {m} <POT>
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