Dictionary English German: orale

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

ADJ  oral | oraler | am oralsten
oraler | orale | orales
oralster | oralste | oralstes
pharm. (oral) contraceptives(orale) Ovulationshemmer {pl}
dent. denture sore mouth(orale) Prothesendruckgeschwüre {pl}
pharm. oral antihyperglycemic agents <OAAs> [Am.]orale Antidiabetika {pl}
pharm. oral hypoglycemic agents [Am.]orale Antidiabetika {pl}
pharm. oral antidiabetic drugs <OADs>orale Antidiabetika {pl} <OAD>
med. oral candidiasis <OC>orale Candidiasis {f} <OC>
med. oral thrush [oral candidiasis]orale Candidiasis {f} <OC>
med. oral candidosis <OC>orale Candidose {f}
med. oral chelationorale Chelation {f}
dent. oral diagnosisorale Diagnose {f}
med. oral doseorale Dosis {f} [eines Medikaments]
med. pharm. oral application [per os]orale Einnahme {f}
med. oral erythroplakia <OE>orale Erythroplakie {f}
MedTech. oral fluorescein angiography <OFA>orale Fluoreszenzangiografie {f} <OFA>
MedTech. oral fluorescein angiography <OFA>orale Fluoreszenzangiographie {f} <OFA>
med. pharm. oral administration [per os]orale Gabe {f}
med. pharm. oral applicationorale Gabe {f}
med. oral doseorale Gabe {f} [z. B. eines Medikaments]
dent. med. oral hairy leukoplakia <OHL> [rare: oral hair leukoplakia]orale Haarleukoplakie {f}
dent. oral implantologyorale Implantologie {f}
pharm. oral contraceptivesorale Kontrazeptiva {pl}
pharm. oral contraceptive agentsorale Kontrazeptiva {pl}
med. oral leukoplakia <OL>orale Leukoplakie {f}
dent. oral medicine [branch of dentistry]orale Medizin {f}
acad. dent. oral pathologyorale Pathologie {f}
psych. oral stageorale Phase {f}
med. oral rehydratation therapy <ORT>orale Rehydratationstherapie {f} <ORT>
pharm. oral rehydration solution <ORS>orale Rehydrationslösung {f} <ORL>
med. oral rehydration therapy <ORT>orale Rehydrationstherapie {f} <ORT>
zool. oral sideorale Seite {f}
med. pharm. oral administration [per os]orale Verabreichung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
pharm. direct oral anticoagulants <DOACs>direkte orale Antikoagulanzien {pl} <DOAK>
pharm. new oral anticoagulants <NOACs>neue orale Antikoagulanzien {pl} <NOAK>
pharm. oral hypoglycaemic agents <OHAs> [Br.]orale hypoglykämische Mittel {pl}
med. oral lichenoid lesions <OLLs>orale lichenoide Läsionen {pl} <OLL>
4 Words: Others
pharm. for oral use {adv}für die orale Anwendung
for oral use {adv}für die orale Verwendung
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