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| |
 | oral {adj} [spoken] | 755 mündlich |  |
 | ling. oral {adj} | 653 oral |  |
 | anat. dent. med. oral {adj} [e.g. cavity, flora, hygiene, irrigator] | 341 Mund- [z. B. Höhle, Flora, Hygiene, Dusche] |  |
 | anat. dent. med. oral {adj} [e.g. cancer, epithelium, parasites] | 6 Mundhöhlen- [z. B. Karzinom, Epithel, Parasiten] |  |
 | dent. oral {adj} | in der Mundhöhle |  |
 | dent. oral {adj} | zur Mundhöhle hin |  |
 | pharm. oral {adj} [medication] | zum Einnehmen [nachgestellt] |  |
Verbs |
 | to french sb. [sl.] [to give oral stimulation of the penis or vulva] | jdn. oral verwöhnen [per Fellatio oder Cunnilingus] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | med. pharm. by mouth {adv} <p.o., po> [per os] | oral |  |
 | med. fecal oral {adj} [Am.] | orofäkal |  |
 | anat. dent. intra-oral {adj} | intraoral |  |
 | med. oral faecal {adj} [Br.] | orofäkal |  |
 | med. oral fecal {adj} [Am.] | orofäkal |  |
 | oral linguistic {adj} | sprechsprachlich |  |
 | med. pharm. orally administered {adj} {past-p} | oral verabreicht |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | (oral) communication | Redetätigkeit {f} |  |
 | pharm. (oral) contraceptive | (oraler) Ovulationshemmer {m} |  |
 | pharm. (oral) contraceptives | (orale) Ovulationshemmer {pl} |  |
 | educ. (oral) examination [university] | Kolloquium {n} [österr.] |  |
 | med. pharm. oral administration [per os] | orale Gabe {f} |  |
 | med. pharm. oral administration [per os] | orale Verabreichung {f} |  |
 | med. oral agent | orales Mittel {n} |  |
 | oral agreement | mündliche Abrede {f} [veraltend] |  |
 | oral agreement | mündliche Vereinbarung {f} |  |
 | oral agreement | mündliche Zusage {f} |  |
 | med. MedTech. oral airway | Guedel-Tubus / Guedeltubus {m} |  |
 | dent. oral appliance <OA> | Protrusionsschiene {f} <PS> |  |
 | med. pharm. oral application | orale Gabe {f} |  |
 | med. pharm. oral application [per os] | orale Einnahme {f} |  |
 | dent. oral biofilm [dental plaque] | oraler Biofilm {m} [Plaque] |  |
 | dent. med. oral cancer | Mundhöhlenkarzinom {n} |  |
 | med. oral cancer <OC> | Mundhöhlenkrebs {m} |  |
 | med. oral cancer <OC> | Mundkrebs {m} |  |
 | med. oral candidiasis | Mundsoor {m} |  |
 | med. oral candidiasis <OC> | orale Candidiasis {f} <OC> |  |
 | med. oral candidosis <OC> | orale Candidose {f} |  |
 | dent. med. oral care | Mundpflege {f} |  |
 | VetMed. oral cavity | Maulhöhle {f} |  |
 | anat. oral cavity | Mundhöhle {f} |  |
 | anat. dent. oral cavity | Mundraum {m} |  |
 | med. oral chelation | orale Chelation {f} |  |
 | oral communication | mündliche Kommunikation {f} |  |
 | relig. oral communion | Mundkommunion {f} |  |
 | pharm. oral contraceptive | orales Kontrazeptivum {n} |  |
 | pharm. oral contraceptives | orale Kontrazeptiva {pl} |  |
 | drugs oral corticosteroid <OCS> | orales Corticosteroid {n} [syn. Corticoid, Kortikosteroid, Kortikoid] |  |
 | ethn. hist. oral culture | Oralität {f} |  |
 | ling. oral culture | Sprachkultur {f} |  |
 | oral culture | mündliche Überlieferung {f} |  |
 | dent. oral diagnosis | orale Diagnose {f} |  |