Dictionary English German: oral

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ADJ   oral | more oral | most oral
NOUN   oral | orals
SYNO   oral | oral exam | oral examination ... 
ADJ  oral | oraler | am oralsten ... 
SYNO   Mund... | den Mund betreffend ... 
oral {adj} [spoken]
ling. oral {adj}
anat. dent. med. oral {adj} [e.g. cavity, flora, hygiene, irrigator]
Mund- [z. B. Höhle, Flora, Hygiene, Dusche]
anat. dent. med. oral {adj} [e.g. cancer, epithelium, parasites]
Mundhöhlen- [z. B. Karzinom, Epithel, Parasiten]
dent. oral {adj}in der Mundhöhle
dent. oral {adj}zur Mundhöhle hin
pharm. oral {adj} [medication]zum Einnehmen [nachgestellt]
to french sb. [sl.] [to give oral stimulation of the penis or vulva]jdn. oral verwöhnen [per Fellatio oder Cunnilingus]
2 Words: Others
med. pharm. by mouth {adv} <p.o., po> [per os]oral
med. fecal oral {adj} [Am.]orofäkal
anat. dent. intra-oral {adj}intraoral
med. oral faecal {adj} [Br.]orofäkal
med. oral fecal {adj} [Am.]orofäkal
oral linguistic {adj}sprechsprachlich
med. pharm. orally administered {adj} {past-p}oral verabreicht
2 Words: Nouns
(oral) communicationRedetätigkeit {f}
pharm. (oral) contraceptive(oraler) Ovulationshemmer {m}
pharm. (oral) contraceptives(orale) Ovulationshemmer {pl}
educ. (oral) examination [university]Kolloquium {n} [österr.]
med. pharm. oral administration [per os]orale Gabe {f}
med. pharm. oral administration [per os]orale Verabreichung {f}
med. oral agentorales Mittel {n}
oral agreementmündliche Abrede {f} [veraltend]
oral agreementmündliche Vereinbarung {f}
oral agreementmündliche Zusage {f}
med. MedTech. oral airwayGuedel-Tubus / Guedeltubus {m}
dent. oral appliance <OA>Protrusionsschiene {f} <PS>
med. pharm. oral applicationorale Gabe {f}
med. pharm. oral application [per os]orale Einnahme {f}
dent. oral biofilm [dental plaque]oraler Biofilm {m} [Plaque]
dent. med. oral cancerMundhöhlenkarzinom {n}
med. oral cancer <OC>Mundhöhlenkrebs {m}
med. oral cancer <OC>Mundkrebs {m}
med. oral candidiasisMundsoor {m}
med. oral candidiasis <OC>orale Candidiasis {f} <OC>
med. oral candidosis <OC>orale Candidose {f}
dent. med. oral careMundpflege {f}
VetMed. oral cavityMaulhöhle {f}
anat. oral cavityMundhöhle {f}
anat. dent. oral cavityMundraum {m}
med. oral chelationorale Chelation {f}
oral communicationmündliche Kommunikation {f}
relig. oral communionMundkommunion {f}
pharm. oral contraceptiveorales Kontrazeptivum {n}
pharm. oral contraceptivesorale Kontrazeptiva {pl}
drugs oral corticosteroid <OCS>orales Corticosteroid {n} [syn. Corticoid, Kortikosteroid, Kortikoid]
ethn. hist. oral cultureOralität {f}
ling. oral cultureSprachkultur {f}
oral culturemündliche Überlieferung {f}
dent. oral diagnosisorale Diagnose {f}
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