Dictionary English German: opportunity oriented

Translation 1 - 50 of 527  >>

opportunity-oriented {adj}gelegenheitsorientiert
Partial Matches
opportunityChance {f}
opportunityFall {m} [Gelegenheit]
opportunityGelegenheit {f}
opportunitygünstige Gelegenheit {f}
opportunityKaufgelegenheit {f}
opportunityMöglichkeit {f}
opportunityWichtigkeit {f}
added opportunityzusätzliche Gelegenheit {f}
ample opportunityhinreichende Gelegenheit {f}
ample opportunityreichliche Gelegenheit {f}
attractive opportunityattraktive Gelegenheit {f}
best opportunitybeste Gelegenheit {f}
better opportunitybessere Gelegenheit {f}
business opportunityGelegenheit {f} zu einem Geschäft
econ. business opportunityGeschäftschance {f}
econ. business opportunityGeschäftsgelegenheit {f}
econ. business opportunityGeschäftsmöglichkeit {f}
jobs career opportunityBerufsmöglichkeit {f}
jobs career opportunityKarrierechance {f}
jobs career opportunityKarrieremöglichkeit {f}
convenient opportunitygünstige Gelegenheit {f}
earliest opportunityallererste Gelegenheit {f}
educ. education opportunityAusbildungsmöglichkeit {f}
educational opportunityBildungschance {f}
jobs employment opportunityArbeitsgelegenheit {f}
jobs employment opportunityArbeitsmöglichkeit {f}
equal opportunityChancengleichheit {f}
equal opportunitygleiche Chance {f}
exceptional opportunitybesondere Gelegenheit {f}
extraordinary opportunityaußergewöhnliche Gelegenheit {f}
fish fishing opportunityAngelmöglichkeit {f}
gigantic opportunitygigantische Gelegenheit {f}
sports goalscoring opportunityTorchance {f}
golden opportunityeinmalige Gelegenheit {f}
golden opportunitygoldene Gelegenheit {f}
good opportunitygünstige Gelegenheit {f}
good opportunitygute Chance {f}
grand opportunitygroßartige Gelegenheit {f}
great opportunitygroße Chance {f}
growth opportunityWachstumschance {f}
growth opportunityWachstumsmöglichkeit {f}
historic opportunityhistorische Gelegenheit {f}
jobs income opportunityVerdienstmöglichkeit {f}
incredible opportunityunglaubliche Gelegenheit {f}
interesting opportunityinteressante Gelegenheit {f}
fin. investment opportunityAnlagemöglichkeit {f}
econ. investment opportunityInvestitionsmöglichkeit {f}
fin. investment opportunityKapitalanlagemöglichkeit {f}
jobs job opportunityArbeitsgelegenheit {f}
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