Dictionary English German: operating

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ADJ   operating | - | -
NOUN   an operating | operatings
VERB  to operate | operated | operated
operating | operates
SYNO   in operation | operating | operational
operating {adj}
operating {adj} {pres-p}
operating {adj} [e.g. instructions, function, desk / console]
Bedienungs- [z. B. Anleitung, Funktion, Pult]
operating {adj} {pres-p}operierend
operating {adj}in Betrieb befindlich
tech. operating
Betrieb {m}
tech. operating
Bedienung {f}
2 Words: Others
co-operating {adj} {pres-p}mitwirkend
necessary operating {adj} [capital]betriebsnotwendig [Kapital usw.]
non-operating {adj}betriebsfremd
tech. while operating {adv} [during operation]während des Betriebes
2 Words: Verbs
tech. to be operatingin Tätigkeit sein [z. B. Maschine]
tech. to be operating [in operation]in Betrieb sein
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. (operating) airfieldRollfeld {n}
jobs med. (operating) surgeonOperateur {m}
jobs med. (operating) surgeonoperierender Arzt {m}
med. (operating) surgeonsOperateure {pl}
acc. operating accountBetriebskonto {n}
operating activitiesBetriebstätigkeiten {pl}
comm. operating agreementBetreibervertrag {m}
econ. law operating agreement [Am.]Gesellschaftsvertrag {m} [einer GmbH]
operating areaBedienfläche {f}
operating areaBedienungsbereich {m}
comm. operating areaGeschäftsfeld {n}
operating areaGeschäftsgebiet {n}
med. operating areaOperationsbereich {m}
med. operating areaOperationsfeld {n}
comm. fin. operating assetsBetriebsvermögen {n}
law operating banBetriebsuntersagung {f}
econ. operating basisBetriebsbasis {f}
econ. operating budgetBetriebsbudget {n}
econ. operating budgetBetriebsetat {m}
econ. operating budgetBetriebshaushalt {m}
admin. econ. operating budgetVerwaltungshaushalt {m}
operating buttonBedienungsknopf {m}
automot. operating buttonsBedienungstasten {pl}
film jobs tech. operating cameramanKameraoperateur {m}
film jobs tech. operating cameramanSchwenker {m} [Kameraoperateur]
med. operating capOperationsmütze {f}
electr. operating capacitorBetriebskondensator {m}
operating capacityBetriebskapazität {f}
operating capitalBetriebskapital {n}
med. operating chairOperationsstuhl {m}
operating characteristicBetriebsverhalten {n}
ind. operating characteristicsBetriebseigenschaften {pl}
ind. operating characteristicsBetriebsmerkmale {pl}
operating comfortBedienungskomfort {m}
econ. operating companyBetreibergesellschaft {f}
operating companyaktives Unternehmen {n}
operating componentsBedienungselemente {pl}
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