Dictionary English German: olive

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ADJ   olive | more olive | most olive
NOUN   an olive | olives
SYNO   European olive tree | Olea europaea ... 
ADJ  oliv | - | -
oliver | olive | olives
NOUN   die Olive | die Oliven
olive {adj}
olive {adj}
olive {adj}olivfarbig
olive {adj}olivgrau
olive {adj}olivgrün
bot. olive
Olive {f}
2 Words: Others
dark olive {adj}dunkeloliv
gray-olive {adj} [Am.]grauoliv
grey-olive {adj} [Br.]grauoliv
olive-brown {adj}olivbraun
olive-colored {adj} [Am.]olivenfarben
olive-colored {adj} [Am.]olivenfarbig
olive-coloured {adj} [Br.]olivenfarben
olive-coloured {adj} [Br.]olivenfarbig
olive-gray {adj} [Am.]olivgrau
olive-green {adj}oliv
olive-green {adj}olivgrün
olive-grey {adj} [Br.]olivgrau
olive-skinned {adj}mit olivfarbener Haut [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. beef oliveRinderroulade {f}
gastr. beef oliveRindsroulade {f}
EU black olive [RAL 6015]Schwarzoliv {n} [RAL 6015]
EU brown olive [RAL 6022]Braunoliv {n} [RAL 6022]
EU grey olive [RAL 6006]Grauoliv {n} [RAL 6006]
bot. olive branch [also fig.]Olivenzweig {m}
olive branch [also fig.]Ölzweig {m}
olive branch [fig.]Friedensangebot {n}
olive branch [fig.]Friedenszweig {m} [Ölzweig]
FoodInd. olive breadOlivenbrot {n}
EU olive brown [RAL 8008]Olivbraun {n} [RAL 8008]
agr. tools olive comb [olive rake]Olivenkamm {m} [Olivenrechen]
agr. olive cultureOlivenanbau {m}
agr. olive cultureOlivenkultur {f} [Anbau]
agr. jobs olive farmerOlivenbauer {m}
bot. olive flowersOlivenblüten {pl}
gastr. olive fruitOlivenfrucht {f}
hort. olive gardenOlivengarten {m}
olive gray [Am.]Olivgrau {n}
EU olive green [RAL 6003]Olivgrün {n} [RAL 6003]
EU olive grey [Br.] [RAL 7002]Olivgrau {n} [RAL 7002]
agr. for. olive groveÖlbaumhain {m}
agr. olive groveOlivenhain {m}
agr. jobs olive growerOlivenanbauer {m}
agr. jobs olive growerOlivenbauer {m}
agr. olive harvestOlivenernte {f}
bot. olive leafOlivenblatt {n}
bot. pharm. olive leaves [Folia oleae / Oleae folium]Olivenblätter {pl}
FoodInd. gastr. olive millOlivenmühle {f}
gastr. olive oilOlivenöl {n}
gastr. olive oilProvenceöl {n} [veraltet]
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