Dictionary English German: ohne Profit

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SYNO   ohne Profit | uneinträglich ... 
unprofitable {adj}ohne Profit [nachgestellt]
Partial Matches
gainingsProfit {m}
lucreProfit {m}
profitProfit {m}
to make profitProfit erzielen
to make a profitProfit herausschlagen
high profithoher Profit {m}
profit motivated {adj}auf Profit abzielend
to profit fromProfit schlagen aus
econ. service profit chainService-Profit-Kette {f}
econ. value profit chainValue-Profit-Chain {f}
to cash in on sth. [fig.] [disapproving]aus etw.Dat. Profit schlagen
to squeeze profit from sth. [fig.]aus etw.Dat. Profit schlagen
to trade on / upon sth.Profit aus etw.Dat. herausschlagen
to trade on / upon sth.Profit aus etw.Dat. schlagen
idiom All is grist that comes to his mill. [coll.]Er schlägt aus allem Profit.
to sack up [coll.] [make as a net profit]einen Profit einsacken [ugs.] [netto verdienen]
non-profit organisation [Br.]Non-Profit-Organisation {f} [auch: Nonprofit-Organisation]
absent {prep} [Am.] [formal]ohne [+Akk.]
devoid (of) {prep}ohne [+Akk.]
ex {prep}ohne [+Akk.]
minus {prep} [coll.] [lacking]ohne [+Akk.]
sans {prep} [literary, hum.] [without]ohne [+Akk.]
un- [prefix]ohne [+Akk.]
cloth. topless {adj} {adv}oben ohne
without saying goodbye {adv}ohne Abschied
without saying good-bye {adv}ohne Abschiedsgruß
unintentionally {adv}ohne Absicht
fin. without deduction {adv}ohne Abzug
in one go {adv} [coll.] [chiefly Br.] [without stopping] [idiom]ohne abzusetzen
without a break {adv}ohne abzusetzen
teetotal {adj} [party etc.]ohne Alkohol
without age limit {adv}ohne Altersbeschränkung
not reported {adj} [postpos.]ohne Angabe
not statedohne Angabe
without cause {adv}ohne Anlass
out of a jobohne Anstellung
effortlessly {adv}ohne Anstrengung
unreplying {adj}ohne Antwort
without reply {adv}ohne Antwort
fin. zero-down (payment) {adj} [coll.]ohne Anzahlung
off one's feedohne Appetit
off one's oats {adj} [coll.]ohne Appetit
jobs out of a jobohne Arbeit
uncalled {adj}ohne Aufforderung
without (any) prompting {adv}ohne Aufforderung
without request {adv}ohne Aufforderung
with no strings attached {adj} {adv} [idiom]ohne Auflagen
at no extra charge {adv}ohne Aufpreis
at no extra cost {adv}ohne Aufpreis
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