Dictionary English German: novel

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ADJ   novel | more novel | most novel
NOUN   a novel | novels
SYNO   novel | refreshing | fresh | new ... 
novel {adj}
novel {adj}
neu [neuartig, innovativ]
novel {adj}
lit. publ. novel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cycle, form, reader, series, writer]
Roman- [z. B. Zyklus, Form, Leser, Reihe, Schriftsteller]
lit. publ. novel
Roman {m}
[the] novel [the new]
[das] Neue {n} [das Neuartige]
lit. novel
Prosawerk {n} [Roman]
2 Words: Others
novel over sth. {adj}neu gegenüber etw.Dat. [neuartig, innovativ]
novel-like {adj}romanhaft
2 Words: Nouns
lit. adventure novelAbenteuerroman {m}
lit. apprenticeship novelBildungsroman {m}
lit. artist novelKünstlerroman {m}
lit. beach novelUnterhaltungsroman {m} [Strand-, Urlaubslektüre]
lit. biographic novelbiographischer Roman {m}
lit. caper novel(komischer) Gaunerroman {m}
cheap novelbilliger Roman {m}
lit. children's novelKinderroman {m}
lit. chivalric novelRitterroman {m}
Christmas novelWeihnachtsroman {m}
complete novelganzer Roman {m}
lit. confession novelBekenntnisroman {m}
lit. crime novelKrimi {m}
lit. publ. crime novelKriminalroman {m}
lit. cult novelKultroman {m}
lit. debut novelDebütroman {m}
lit. debut novelErstlingsroman {m}
lit. debut novelErstlingswerk {n} [Roman]
lit. detective novelDetektivroman {m}
lit. publ. detective novelKrimi {m} [ugs.] [Kriminalroman]
lit. development novelEntwicklungsroman {m}
lit. dialogue novelDialogroman {m}
lit. publ. dime novelHeftroman {m}
publ. dime novel [Am.]billiger Roman {m}
lit. publ. dime novel [Am.] [dated]Groschenroman {m}
lit. domestic novelFamilienroman {m}
lit. education novelBildungsroman {m}
lit. education novelErziehungsroman {m}
lit. epistolary novelBriefroman {m}
lit. epistolary novelRoman {m} in Briefen
lit. publ. espionage novelSpionageroman {m}
lit. exposé novelEnthüllungsroman {m}
lit. fantasy novelFantasyroman {m}
lit. fantasy novelFantasy-Roman {m}
lit. favorite novel [Am.]Lieblingsroman {m}
lit. favourite novel [Br.]Lieblingsroman {m}
lit. first novelDebütroman {m}
lit. first novelErstling {m} [erster Roman]
lit. first novelErstlingsroman {m}
lit. futuristic novelZukunftsroman {m}
lit. gothic novelSchauerroman {m}
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