Dictionary English German: northern

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ADJ   northern | more northern | most northern
SYNO   northerly | northern
northern {adj}
ethn. northern {adj}nordländisch
fish T
Territorian [Aus.]Bewohner {m} des Northern Territory [Australien]
2 Words: Others
more northern {adj}nördlicher
most northern {adj}nördlichste
geogr. northern Alpine {adj}nordalpin
geogr. northern Chinese {adj}nordchinesisch
northern English {adj}nordenglisch
northern German {adj}norddeutsch <nordd.>
northern Iraqi {adj}nordirakisch
Northern Irish {adj}nordirisch
geogr. northern Israeli {adj}nordisraelisch
geogr. Northern Italian {adj} [also: northern Italian]norditalienisch
geogr. northern Scandinavian {adj}nordskandinavisch
geogr. ling. northern Spanish {adj} [also: Northern Spanish]nordspanisch
northern-based {adj}mit Sitz im Norden
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. northern Afghanistan [also: Northern Afghanistan]Nordafghanistan {n}
geogr. northern Alaska [also: Northern Alaska]Nordalaska {n}
geogr. Northern AlbaniaNordalbanien {n}
Northern AllianceNordallianz {f}
archi. northern apseNordapsis {f}
northern bankNordufer {n}
geogr. northern Bavaria [also: Northern Bavaria]Nordbayern {n}
biol. biotech. northern BlotNorthern Blot {m}
geogr. Northern BohemiaNordböhmen {n}
northern borderNordgrenze {f}
geogr. northern boundaryNordgrenze {f}
traffic northern bypassNordumgehung {f}
geogr. Northern CaliforniaNordkalifornien {n}
geogr. Northern Cape [South African province]Nordkap {n} [südafrikanische Provinz]
geogr. northern ChinaNordchina {n}
ling. northern ChineseNordchinesisch {n}
geogr. northern coastNordküste {f}
northern continentsNordkontinente {pl}
northern cornerNordecke {f}
geogr. Northern CyprusNordzypern {n}
EU pol. Northern Dimension <ND>Nördliche Dimension {f} <ND>
northern edgeNordrand {m}
geogr. Northern Egypt [also: northern Egypt]Nordägypten {n}
northern endNordende {n}
geogr. Northern England [also: northern England]Nordengland {n}
geogr. Northern EstoniaNordestland {n}
geogr. hist. northern Etruria [also: Northern Etruria]Nordetrurien {n} [auch: Nord-Etrurien]
geogr. northern EurasiaNordeurasien {n}
geogr. Northern EuropeNordeuropa {n}
northern faceNordseite {f} [eines Berges]
climbing geogr. northern faceNordwand {f} [der nördliche Steilhang]
northern flankNordflanke {f}
geogr. meteo. northern föhn [also: northern foehn]Nordföhn {m}
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