Dictionary English German: normales

Translation 1 - 15 of 15

ADJ  normal | normaler | am normalsten
normaler | normale | normales
normalster | normalste | normalstes
normal pacenormales Arbeitstempo {n}
normal bandnormales Band {n}
regular salarynormales Gehalt {n}
audio med. normal hearingnormales Gehör {n}
natural business yearnormales Geschäftsjahr {n}
audio normal hearingnormales Hören {n}
spec. normal neuronnormales Neuron {n}
plain papernormales Papier {n}
normal portfolionormales Portfolio {n}
normal market sizenormales Umsatzvolumen {n}
normal proportions {pl}normales Verhältnis {n} [Proportionen]
normal procedurenormales Vorgehen {n}
3 Words
as a normal procedure {adv}als normales Vorgehen
ordinary kid [coll.] [child]ganz normales Kind {n}
ordinary girlganz normales Mädchen {n}
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