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| ordinary {adj} | 1488 normal | |
| normal {adj} | 954 normal | |
| normal {adj} | 428 gewöhnlich | |
| standard {adj} | 360 normal | |
| normal {adj} | 338 typisch | |
| regular {adj} [usual] | 219 normal [regulär, gewohnt] | |
| sane {adj} | 157 normal | |
| usual {adj} | 149 normal | |
| normal {adj} | 70 üblich | |
| med. normal {adj} [e.g. findings, behavior] | 66 unauffällig [z. B. Befund, Verhalten] | |
| commonplace {adj} | 25 normal [alltäglich] [Angelegenheit, Ereignis] | |
| normally {adv} [in a normal way] | 17 normal | |
| normal {adj} | 10 konventionell | |
| normal {adj} | 10 regulär | |
| normal {adj} [undisguised] | 9 unverstellt | |
| normal {adj} | normgerecht | |
| ordinary {adj} | ganz normal | |
| strange {adj} [not normal] | nicht normal | |
Nouns |
| math. normal | 201 Normale {f} | |
| phys. standard [metrology] | 8 Normal {n} [Messwesen] | |
| phys. unit etalon [metrological standard] | Normal {n} [metrologischer Vergleichsgegenstand] | |
| normal [axis perpendicular to surface] | Lot {n} | |
2 Words: Others |
| meteo. above-normal {adj} | übernormal | |
| meteo. above-normal {adj} | über normal [über Normal Null] | |
| math. absolutely normal {adj} [number] | absolut normal [Zahl] | |
| Act normal! [coll.] | Benimm dich unauffällig! | |
| boringly normal {adj} | stinknormal [ugs.] | |
| math. completely normal {adj} | vollständig normal | |
| material mineral. monoclinic normal {adj} | monoklin-prismatisch | |
| more normal {adj} | normaler | |
| most normal {adj} | normalste | |
| normal-sized {adj} | von normaler Größe [nachgestellt] | |
| constr. FireResc normally inflammable {adj} | normal entflammbar | |
| normally open {adj} | normal offen | |
| semi-normal {adj} | halbwegs normal | |
| math. simply normal {adj} [number] | einfach normal [Zahl] | |
| material mineral. triclinic normal {adj} | triklin-pinakoidal | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to act normal | sichAkk. normal verhalten | |
| psych. to behave normally | sichAkk. normal verhalten | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| electr. tech. (measurement) standard [IEC] | Normal {n} [IEC, VDE, DIN] | |
| math. (surface) normal | Normalenvektor {m} | |
| mus. bellows normal <B.N.> | [Ende des Balgtremolos] | |
| daily business | Courant normal {m} [bes. schweiz.] | |
| electr. tech. international standard [IEC] | internationales Normal {n} [IEC, VDE, DIN] | |
| electr. tech. national standard [IEC] | nationales Normal {n} [IEC, VDE, DIN] | |
| new normal | neue Normalität {f} | |
| engin. normal acceleration | Normalbeschleunigung {f} | |
| normal activity | normale Tätigkeit {f} | |
| normal adult | Normalerwachsener {m} | |
| normal adult | normaler Erwachsener {m} | |