Dictionary English German: non current

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SEE ALSO  noncurrent
acc. fin. non-current assets {pl}Anlagevermögen {n}
non-current {adj}nicht im Umlauf
acc. non-current liabilitieslangfristige Verbindlichkeiten {pl}
electr. gate non-trigger currentnicht zündender Steuerstrom {m}
law liabilities directly associated with non-current assets held for saleVerbindlichkeiten {pl} direkt aus zur Veräußerung gehaltenen langfristigen Vermögensgegenständen
Partial Matches
MedTech. phys. telecom. radio frequency current <RF current>Hochfrequenzstrom {m} <HF-Strom>
EU pharm. QM non-investigational medicinal product <NIMP, non-IMP>Nicht-Prüfpräparat {n}
EU pharm. QM non-investigational medicinal products <NIMPs, non-IMPs>Nicht-Prüfpräparate {pl}
Internet publ. current awareness service <CAS>Current-Awareness-Dienst {m}
law non-assignment clausePactum de non cedendo {n}
transp. non-combustible and non-conductive cushioning materialnicht brennbares und nicht leitendes Polstermaterial {n}
non-verbal communicationnon-verbale Kommunikation {f}
audio electr. current dumping amplifierCurrent-Dumping-Verstärker {m}
law non liquet [it is not clear]non liquet [es ist nicht klar]
med. non-scalpel vasectomy <NSV> [no-scalpel vasectomy]Non-Skalpell-Vasektomie {f} <NSV>
psych. non-directive {adj}non-direktiv
sociol. non-binary {adj} [also: nonbinary] <NB, nb> [gender]non-binär <NB, n. b.> [Geschlecht]
comm. non-food items <NFIs>Non-Food-Artikel {pl}
sine qua non (to/for sth.)Conditio sine qua non {f} (für etw.)
non-profit organisation [Br.]Non-Profit-Organisation {f} [auch: Nonprofit-Organisation]
non-paperNon-Paper {n} [inoffizielles Arbeitsdokument]
FoodInd. non-food industryNon-Food-Industrie {f}
comm. non-food marketNon-Food-Markt {m}
law pol. non-refoulement principleNon-Refoulement-Prinzip {n}
med. B-cell non-Hodgkin / non-Hodgkin's lymphoma <B-NHL, BNHL, B-cell NHL>B-Zell-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom {n} <B-NHL, B-Zell-NHL>
med. MedTech. non-contact tonometry <NCT>Non-Contact-Tonometrie {f} <NCT>
non-disclosure agreement <NDA>Non-Disclosure-Agreement {n} [Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung]
med. non-Hodgkin lymphoma <NHL>Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom {n} <NHL>
med. non-Q wave infarctionNon-Q-Wave-Infarkt {m}
current {adj}aktuell
current {adj}derzeitig
current {adj}geläufig
current {adj}heutig
current {adj}momentan
current {adj}vorliegend
currentLauf {m}
current {adj}augenblicklich [gegenwärtig]
current {adj}nunmehrig [geh.]
electr. phys. current [amount]Stromstärke {f}
electr. current-carrying {adj}stromführend
electr. current-compensated {adj}stromkompensiert
electr. current-controlled {adj}stromgeregelt
electr. tech. current-controlled {adj}stromgesteuert
electr. current-dependent {adj}stromabhängig
electr. current-fed {adj}stromgespeist
electr. current-limited {adj}strombegrenzt
over-current {adj}Überstrom-
account currentKontokorrent {n}
fin. accounts currentKontoauszug {m}
med. action currentAktionsstrom {m}
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