Dictionary English German: negotiated

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

English German
VERB  to negotiate | negotiated | negotiated ... 
negotiated {adj} {past-p}
negotiated {adj} {past-p}
sb. negotiated
jd. verhandelte
negotiated {adj} {past-p}indossiert
negotiated {adj} {past-p}negoziiert
negotiated {past-p}unterhandelt
sb. negotiatedjd. unterhandelte
2 Words
personally negotiated {adj}persönlich ausgehandelt
twice-negotiated {adj}zweimal verhandelt
well-negotiated {adj}gut verhandelt
comm. econ. market. negotiated bidausgehandeltes Gebot {n}
negotiated leaveUrlaubsvereinbarung {f}
negotiated offeringausgehandelte Emission {f}
negotiated offeringausgehandeltes Angebot {n}
mil. pol. negotiated peaceVerständigungsfrieden {m}
negotiated priceausgehandelter Preis {m}
constr. negotiated procedure [procurement procedure]Verhandlungsverfahren {n} [Vergabeverfahren]
negotiated salevereinbartes Gehalt {n}
pol. negotiated solutionVerhandlungslösung {f}
negotiated wageTariflohn {m}
3 Words
[they] are (being) negotiated[sie] werden vermittelt
(personally) negotiated salaryaußertarifliches Gehalt {n}
law individually negotiated terms {pl}Individualabrede {f}
personally-negotiated contractspersönlich ausgehandelte Verträge {pl}
5+ Words
acc. best alternative to a negotiated agreement <BATNA>BATNA {f} [meist ohne Artikel] [beste Alternativoption]
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