Dictionary English German: nearly

Translation 1 - 45 of 45

English German
SYNO   closely | intimately | nearly | about ... 
nearly {adv}
nearly {adv}
nearly {adv}
nearly {adv}
nearly {adv}
beinah [ugs.]
nearly {adv}
schier [fast]
nearly {adv}
förmlich [beinahe, so gut wie]
2 Words: Others
nearly always {adv}fast immer
nearly done {adj}fast fertig
nearly finished {adj}nahezu fertig
nearly impossible {adj}nahezu unmöglich
nearly natural {adj}naturnah
nearly perfect {adj}fast perfekt
nearly perfect {adj}nahezu perfekt
not nearlynicht annähernd
not nearly {adv}bei weitem nicht
idiom pretty nearly {adj} {adv} [coll.](fast) so gut wie
very nearly {adv}schon beinahe [fast schon]
2 Words: Verbs
transp. travel to nearly miss sth. [e.g. the bus, train, plane, flight]etw. beinahe verpassen
3 Words: Others
almost / nearly out [fire]fast gelöscht
pretty nearly everythingso ziemlich alles
We're nearly there.Wir sind fast da.
3 Words: Verbs
to be nearly donefast fertig sein
to nearly kill oneself [coll.] [fig.] [overexert oneself]sichDat. einen abbrechen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [sich übermäßig anstrengen]
4 Words: Others
for nearly 100 years {adv} [+past tense]fast 100 Jahre lang
for nearly 100 years {adv} [+present perfect]seit fast 100 Jahren
He nearly shot you.Er hätte dich fast erschossen.
I nearly fell off.Ich fiel fast herunter.
4 Words: Verbs
to nearly die of awevor Ehrfurcht erschauern [iron.]
idiom to nearly die with laughtersich kranklachen [ugs.]
4 Words: Nouns
phys. nearly free electron modelModell {n} der quasifreien Elektronen
5+ Words: Others
As our stock is nearly exhausted ...Da unsere Bestände fast geleert sind ...
Everyone is a foreigner, nearly everywhere.Jeder ist ein Ausländer, fast überall.
idiom I nearly fell over backwards. [coll.]Ich bin fast vom Stängel gefallen. [ugs.]
I nearly fell over backwards. [coll.] [idiom]Ich bin fast vom Stengel gefallen. [alt] [ugs.] [Redewendung]
I nearly pissed myself laughing. [coll.] [Br.]Ich hab mich fast bepisst vor Lachen. [ugs.]
I very nearly fell asleep.Es fehlte nicht viel, und ich wäre eingeschlafen.
idiom My eyes nearly popped out of my head.Ich traute meinen Augen nicht.
Our stock is nearly exhausted.Unser Bestand geht zu Ende.
Our stock is nearly exhausted.Unser Lager ist fast geleert.
sb.'s eyes (nearly) pop out of his / her head [coll.] [idiom]jdm. fallen die Augen (fast) raus [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom They were nearly squeezed to death.Sie wurden fast zu Mus zerquetscht.
This collar is nearly choking / strangling me.Dieser Kragen schnürt mir den Hals ein.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F A Short History of Nearly Everything [Bill Bryson]Eine kurze Geschichte von fast allem
film lit. F Nearly Headless Nick [Harry Potter]Fast Kopfloser Nick {m}
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